

Responses from zavato

Best gain setting on phono pre- low/medium/high?
Very cool. I never saw the KAB cacalculator before, though I've been to the site. Learn something new every day !  
What Are You Listening To Right Now?What is the Source?
Most recently, 18 year old Highland, Dave Brubeck Take Five on vinyl 
Need a 3 meter IC- not bright- suggestion please
Turns out I built my own- Klotz AC110 cable (think Rega Couple- it's the same wire- used to be called Klotz GY107, then when marketed as an instrument cable, sold as Klotz LaGrange), Neutrik ProFi plugs all wrapped in black Techflex. Total cost of... 
Best gain setting on phono pre- low/medium/high?
Bdp24, that makes lots of sense. I'm now running the phono on the lowest gain for MC and I've got plenty of room on my volume control on the preamp to reach satisfying levels. This seems to be the way to go. 
Best gain setting on phono pre- low/medium/high?
I've never used 76db- that was too much 
Best gain setting on phono pre- low/medium/high?
Running an MC cartridge (Linn Arkiv B) -  these are the available gain settings for MC cartridges that my phono pre offers (pass xp15)I should have specified that  
Where did you sink the most cash into?
When I started out the conventional wisdom was 50% on speakers! And with my first system, all of $400- a $75 turntable, a $125 receiver, were complimented by $200 speakers!  
Your "eureka" digital moment
Well, I can chime in- I started this thread. Yes, I love vinyl, no, snap crackle and pop only works for cereal (but a clean record helps) and I bought my VPI cleaning machine second hand for $325 
Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better
"Why are people always getting into pissing matches because they think what they have is better"?inferiority complex 
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
The point is that there's more than one road to vinyl bliss. The LP 12 happens to be the road many of us choose to take  
Linn Sondek LP12 impressions
Casaross hit the nail on the head. That said I continue to immensely enjoy my Lp12 which started as an LP12 basic with an RB300 arm and a K9 cartridge. It's "grown up" since then- and it continues to excel, but fair is fair and I recently heard a ... 
SPDIF suggestion
Very pleased with Green Hornet these days  
Asylum Powercord. Has anyone tried this power cord
I built my own power cord using Belden 19364 and Wattgate iec and plug. In the one application where I am using it- a tubed headphone amp, this power cord had a noticeable effect in dropping background noise. I suppose that was the shielding at wo... 
Warm sounding power cord for for CD player to suppress digital glare on vocals.
Al is correct, and I never doubt Peter 
To all LP12 aficionados
I've heard a Linn LP12 with a Radikal. Actually, it was fully decked out- keel, Radikal, Ekos SE and Kandid. Problem was it was impossible to tell the contribution the Radikal itself made