

Responses from zavato

Best Option In A Tube Preamp $1,800 Or Less - Used
The best tubed preamp I have ever owned was a CJ Premier 17LS2. Not sure what they go for now, but wow, a fantastic preamp. Till recently, I thought that CJ was the best pre I've ever owned. The title now goes to my XP20 ( Pass) 
Best High End Audio Manufacturer???
I can only speak from my own experience. Who's the best? Beats me, there are many good ones. But in terms of repairs, my best experience had been with Bryston. I had a 4B that needed repair. I shipped it to Bryston on Monday- it was literally back... 
Does alcohol impair appreciation of sound?
One or two drinks does not impair my ability to hear, as far as I can tell, and often enhances the entire musical experience. L'chaim! 
What is a high end stereo SUPPOSED to sound like?
A great sound system should be utterly transparent. When the music is dynamic, it should make you jump. When there's real bass, you should feel it in your chest. When you close your eyes the speaker location shoul disappear. I think my system does... 
Quality Power Cord
Suggest budget CDP to use as transport
Audio Advisor has a brand new Cambridge Audio transport for $500http://www.audioadvisor.com/prodinfo.asp?number=CACXC 
Pass labs xa30.8 vs Krell evo 402e
The veiled vocals has nothing to do with your Pass gear 
In my last home I had an electrician install a 20 amp dedicated line, using 10 awg Romex. 10 awg Romex is tough to work with, but the electrician did it. Cost was about $200 and it was an excellent investment. Now regarding hospital grade outlets,... 
Cullen Crossover Power Cables
I now have 4 sets of Cullen Crossover power cords and remain very pleased. I used the Cullen's on my amp, preamp, CD player, and power distribution strip. The other power cord I use is Supra. Not the easiest to find but it too is good stuff and us... 
CD player problems
Got my 260D back- works perfectly- hopefully for the long haul 
Solder for ank legend monoblocks?
I have Kester, WBT and Cardas solder. I do not care for the WBT- it doesn't flow well. Either the Kester or Cardas are good to work with. 
Cullen Crossover Power Cables
I have 3 Cullen Crossover power cables in my system. They appear to be reasonably made. The connectors are good quality. I've not dissected a cable to take a look at the neatness of the work, but I have experienced zero issues and I have reason to... 
Bottlehead Crack
Go to the Bottlehead crack forum, FAQ section, question #6. Using a 32 ohm headset, you'll be down 3 dB at 50hz 
Bottlehead Crack
The -3dB is somewhere on the Bottlehead site 
Thoughts on my Sim Moon 260D CD player
Well, for what it's worth my 260D broke and is back at Sim for repair