

Responses from zavato

Is there a difference between Linn LP12 lingo 1 vs lingo 2 other than the case?
If I'm not mistaken, later Lingo 2's had SMD devices. One of the big knocks on Lingo 1's was the filter on the line inout spewing out lots of crud. I have a very late Lingo 1 (power button is different from early ones), which I bought new, and sur... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
And of course, Rich's work on MR78'a is also highly recommendable which of course is a solid state tuner. Except if you count a one off version of the MR78 which in fact is tubed. But that one is safely with Rich, and I don't think he's interested... 
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?....
My best tuner is a McIntosh MR78 than has recently been modified by Rich Modafferi.My other best tuner is a Marantz 20 that was recently on the test bench, had a bit of work done, and continues to be excellent Both are terrific, both have their ch... 
Herbie’s Audio Lab still in Business?
Wish you well with that. Years back I placed an order with a place that did go out of business shortly after my order went in. I lost out, but it was a small amount  
Cable retermination, XLR
Patrick Cullen at Cullen Cable 
Fyne Speakers now in the USA
There’s a dealer for Fyne Speakers in Cornwall, New York- Hudson Valley Hifi. Very nice speakers  
Top Ten Tuners of all Time??
I’ll chime in on this very old thread. My current tuners are a McIntosh MR78 and a Marantz Model 20. I’ve also owned an Onkyo T9090II, Dynaco FM-3, and Magnum MD105, and I briefly had a McIntosh MR71 for audition (it needed a lot of work). For me,... 
Why Don't Local Audio Dealers Provide Tube Testing Services When They Sell Tube Gear?
When I was a kid, every neighborhood had a place with a tube testing machine. Ours was at a neighborhood "candy" store. I remember going with my dad - he brought a bunch of tubes from our TV set, tested the tubes one by one, and any that read "bad... 
Disappointing On Mcintosh......help
Every brand has its detractors. McIntosh isn't cheap, and it may not be to everyone's liking, but, there are a few things that are hard to dispute. First- they continue to support old products. In 2008 I bought a new front glass- new as in current... 
Newbie Question
Classic Pioneers or Marantz receivers are quite nice. In Pioneer, I like the SX 50 series. The Marantz 2270 is a classic. There are places that do servicing and full restorations. Depends where you are- Old Tandbergs (ie, 2075) is also quite nice.  
How old to qualify for vintage?
Hard to admit, but gear from my teen years is considered classic and vintage 
You are invited on a "trip down memory lane".
Actually, I can't really say there is anything I used to own that I yearn to own once again.  
Vinyl cleaning and alcohol
Alcohol is definitely a good thing with vinyl, in moderation. These days I prefer bourbon  
What makes a good equipment rack?
Nothing beats a good rack. A solid equipment stand is a good thing too. 
Is a stereo system a tougher sale to young people?
I have 2 sons- when I was my young's age I was already spying such things as Dual or Thorens turntables, AR speakers, and receivers from Pioneer, Marantz, Tandberg. And a Teac deck was not far from thought. Money I saved was earmarked for when I c...