

Responses from zavato

Update on Audiogon Member Almarg
Always a gentleman and a giant. May God grant you a complete recovery  
Bricasti DAC owners
In my experience the folks at Bricasti are first rate and go the extra mile to make it right. Couple years ago I had a problem with my M1 - I posted it hear in an effort to see if anyone could offer a solution I could try myself. Someone on this b... 
Bricasti DAC owners
I was able to do the flash update quickly and without issue 
Bricasti DAC owners
It’s which ever side the MDx board is on. Doesn’t apply to the M1 as it’s got a one piece top  
Analog or Digital and why?
I’ll take issue with one thing the OP said-  “A modest system can be an easy 20 grand”a modest vinyl front end is far less than $20,000. I’d argue that a pretty credible vinyl front end can be put together for $2,000 
Bricasti DAC owners
Show of hands- done the flash update?  
Bricasti DAC owners
The board comes with complete instructions, and there’s no note asking to return the flash board takes longer to unscrew the 10 screws, remove the lid, reset the lid and reinstall the 10 screws than it takes to do the update itself  
Bricasti DAC owners
The socket is inside the dac. It’s on the MDx board itself. Top cover must come off. Detailed instructions will accompany the flash board board being provided by Bricasti. Once the flash update is done the flash board is removed.  
Bricasti DAC owners
I’ve done an update via a flash drive on my M1 a couple years ago. It’s easy.The digital board has a socket already there to accept the flash update. The hardest part is unscrewing and removing the lid then reinstalling the lid when done 
Bricasti DAC owners
Joe and the BRICASTI Team rock!!  
Offer / counter-offer? Audiogon rules
Once an offer is declined there’s no more offer  
Who puts their speakers right up against the back wall and why?
As I recall there have been Linn speakers that were supposed to be used against a wall  
Cana anyone recommend a plastic wrench that doesn'e scratch the metal?
I get that but just commenting that they really are that good  
Options for ridding records of static electricity
What single stereo item have I owned The longest and will never part with? My 35 year old zerostat. By the way- zapping a record before play 95% of the time results in no lifting of my felt mat 
Replacing driver screws with brass screws
I’m not changing my speaker screws. If Peter says it’s of no effect- I am 100% confident in what he says. In years on these boards there is in my opinion only one or two other people whose analysis and conclusions are consistently rock solid. Pete...