

Responses from zavato

"Bridge Over Trouble Water" sounds artificial
For the most part- old recordings that originally came out on vinyl should be listened to on vinyl.  
You are invited on a "trip down memory lane".
I can mention the one that got away- a pair of Marantz 10b tuners. $1200. For both of them. Duh- what was I thinking?  
Cana anyone recommend a plastic wrench that doesn'e scratch the metal?
This is why I think Furutech torque guard binding posts are the Best available. Impossible to over tighten, and silly easy to tighten properly. No tools required  
Bricasti DAC owners
Interesting- I too changed. With the original board I was at Minimum 2 mostly, now I am at Minimum 4 
Bricasti DAC owners
Since installing the MDx board has anyone changed their filter settings?  
Anyone remember Studio Design speakers?
Actually, if you search out old ads - say 1977 or so, for tech hifi, you will see Studio Design advertised.  
Bricasti DAC owners
MDx or Footers? Ask me 10x; 10x I’ll say MDx  
Bricasti DAC owners
“Per @lxgreen  on turning on/off from remote. Does anyone know how to do it on the M1 to turn on/off through remote?”I don’t think you can  
Streamer options
Budget is flexible- for the right piece - like to stay under $2k  
Can ELCaset make comeback?
Indeed, Finland is perhaps the only possibility.  
Does anyone manufacture an alternative Linn Sondek belt pulley ?
I've had my LP 12 for 22 years and I've never experienced anything as described by the OP. If the motor is sitting wrong, the motor adjustment screws are out of whack. Belt might be worn out too. I suggest it's time for a tuneup by a person who kn... 
Who has made a move and did you let movers take Hi-Fi
I moved in 2015 and again in 2016. I moved my turntable myself, otherwise, the movers moved everything else. I have original boxes for all my gear (even my gear made in the 70's). No damages whatsoever.  
Manufacturers with Excellent customer service
In my personal experience, Pass, Bryston and Bricasti have been excellent The most underwhelming experience was from a company long gone- California Audio Labs.  
Is a Linn Sondek LP12/Lingo/Ekos with a Cirkus update, the last turntable I’ll ever buy?
Personal experience- any newer Linn by which I mean made in the last 25 years is a pretty stable machine that is not prone to go out of adjustment. Setup is key and unfortunately, at least in the US, competent Linn people are few and far between. ... 
Focal kanta 2 vs Sonus faber olympica 2..which to buy?
I’ve heard Olympica 2’s and 3’s. The 2’s were incredibly underwhelming however the 3’s were quite good