

Responses from zavato

Bricasti DAC owners- help!
I am very pleased to report that with the gracious assistance of Brian at Bricasti, my M1 seems to be restored to good health. Somehow, one setting got knocked off kilter, and Brian confirmed that could result in odd behavior. He guided me through... 
Odd behavior- JRiver 27 and MacBook Pro not working right- no output to DAC
1- yes2- yes3- even after the Mac resets to built in output, I can still see the dac in midi but it’s no longer selectedIt’s totally bewildering Do you happen to know anyone in the area (I’m in rockland so nyc, Westchester, rockland or Bergen work... 
Odd behavior- JRiver 27 and MacBook Pro not working right- no output to DAC
Thank you for chiming in Kal. Exactly as I did- picked my dac going through tools options audio audio devices. Tried it with both dacs- a Bricasti and a Simaudio. And still once I engaged play on JRiver, midi reverted to built in output. I’m begin... 
Bricasti DAC owners- help!
Thank you! Unplug and replug didn’t help  
Bricasti DAC owners- help!
didn't help- seems even more unstable now 
Bricasti DAC owners- help!
I'll try that. What does Trigo HIGH mean? Thanks 
Manufacturers with Excellent customer service
A small claims suit is also a good idea. Years back I bought a refrigerator but weeks passed without delivery. I demanded a refund. Radio silence from the store though I had been in contact several times a week to resolve this. Finally started a s... 
Manufacturers with Excellent customer service
That’s outright thefti would contact the DA’s office in the county where Kaye is located  
Sadly missed manufacturers
California Audio Labs was one of the stars of the early digital era  
Experiences Selling Stuff On Audiogon?
I’ve only had one negative experience on audiogon and it’s interesting. The equipment I bought was fine- no issues. Later, the seller accused me of lowballing him. I don’t understand how an accepted offer is lowballing!  
Has "politically correct" killed the used audio market?
First time I ever heard the term "pre-owned" was at a lexus dealer perhaps some 30 years ago. Silly me I asked about used cars- I was corrected and told they sold pre-owned cars. The second correction was when I asked about the shared chassis betw... 
Will a tube amp work well on Revel f208?
Pass INT60. You’re welcomeI’ve owned Rebel speakers for a long time. Initially drove them with a solid state amp:. Missing something. Then I went to tubes- both Conrad Johnson and Rogue, all in the 60 watt range. That’s more like it. Then about 6 ... 
Please suggest a really cheap SPDIF coaxial BNC cable for testing if my DAC is working
Blue Jeans are reasonably priced and have never had any cable of theirs fail. Can't say that about some cables I've bought from "hi end" cable companies. One digital cable was DOA (a VOM meter confirmed no continuity) and an XLR cable's terminatio... 
Any truth to my feeling that MM carts are possibly better than MC on rock recordings?
 I stand corrected- an 881! Thanks Chakster.  
Any truth to my feeling that MM carts are possibly better than MC on rock recordings?
FWIW, Doug Sax, a recording engineer of the first caliber, was a strong advocate of Stanton 681 EEE cartridges as the most faithful to master tape.