

Responses from zargon

What Cables does ARC use at Audio Shows?
One should be careful not to assume too much or draw too many conclusions from any particular set of manufacturers that happen to share a room at an audio show. These arrangements are made for a number of good reasons; the people have developed pe... 
Setup CD + SPL for Vandersteen Quatro
The Vandersteen setup disk has tones that match the 11 EQ bands on the speaker. While these are ideal for adjusting the EQ, the Stereophile 1/3 octave bands will do almost as good a job. The setup disk also has the 1k and 100 hz tones which are cr... 
Variac vs. Isolation vs. Balanced Transformer? ALL
I would stay away from Variacs. Five in a room would make more noise than the current noise level you are trying to eliminate, generate a good deal of heat, and you would never get the voltages the same across all equipment without constant fiddel... 
I Just Don't Hear It - I wish I did
I think it is important as an audiophile to keep some balance between "the system" and "the music". Yet we seem to treat them differently. We may be frustrated because we don't hear some of what others report are obvious differences in system comp... 
Need to vent tube heat?
Newbee, did you mean 12v dc fans in series? I agree this will reduce the speed and noise of the fan. You can also run a single 12v dc fan on a 6v wall wart and get the same effect. 
How do you shield an isolation transformer?
Krell_man,I have a 4kva Topaz iso and if my memory serves me correctly, there is a separately grounded shield on both the primary and secondary windings. This serves to reduce coupling between them and would therefore reduce any magnetic fields as... 
Graham Phantom VTA Post Stuck
Ducatirider, Check to see if the phono cable connector which plugs into the arm is riding up against the underside of the armboard. I believe this connection moves up and down with the arm VTA adjustment. If there isn't enough clearance it can bin... 
Upgrade for users of 1/2" mylar belt
Socoaste, see my post of 11/30/08 above. This is all you need. 
Good stores in LA
Another in Redondo Beach is "The Home Theater Doctor" which offers both theater and two channel products. 
how many folks have +10kVA trannys before the rig?
Jeffcott,No disrespect taken. My comments were mearly directed at trying to pass what I learned when experimenting with the small iso location. WRT to the desirability of having an iso in the living environment, while the small iso is virtually in... 
how many folks have +10kVA trannys before the rig?
Jeffcott, if by "downstream iso", I assume you are referring to the small 125va iso on the CD dedicated line. That iso, while next to the subpanel and large iso, is only 15 ft. from the CD player. Note that I mounted it at right angles to the main... 
how many folks have +10kVA trannys before the rig?
Rhyno,There are many benefits to proper selection and installation of iso transformers in your system. Besides reducing noise and creating a blacker background, I have found they eliminate grounding issues and the need for any further PCs, and mak... 
What are you using to clean LP album covers?
I have tried a number of cleaners, and would highly recommend using Pledge in the aerosol spray can. It provides a cleaner, a bit of oil to add sheen, and a freshener to counter the sometimes musty smell associated with album covers. As far as I c... 
New Life For A Failed Townshend Sink by Crem1
CREM1,Great description and good advice on this project. I'm sure there are some out there who will benefit. While I don't own a Sink, I have always found it satisfying as well when I'm able to resurrect a lonely piece of equipment. 
Dedicated Lines - Sub panel or no?
Hevac1, A transformer with no load on the secondary consumes very little current. Five amps at 120 volts is 600 watts and that is way too much for any normal and proper installation. There must have been something else going on.