

Responses from zargon

California: Southern California Audiophile Society
There is a great audiophile group that is currently very active called "Los Angeles and Orange County Audio Society". http://laocaudiosociety.com/They have get togethers monthly at various locations including equipment demonstrations, speakers, an... 
Loricraft vs. VPI 16.5 record cleaner
I was unfamiliar with this record cleaner, but found this very good web site with pictures and explanations. While the cost is high ($1895 US), it seems to have good design advantages. Loricraft 
AR CD3 MKII vs Sim Audio Moon Eclipse Cd player
I have not had the opportunity to make this direct comparison, however, I can spend an entire day of dedicated listening with the CD3 MKII without any fatigue whatsoever. My music tastes include mostly jazz and female jazz singers. Don't overlook ... 
Reminded once again of VTA criticality...
Thanks to you both. This is helpful to all of us. 
Audioquest upper end copper IC's sound ????
I am in strong agreement with Gthirteen. The Anaconda ICs and Volcano DBS are currently in my system, and are very clear, tranparent, neutral and revealing. I have also auditioned the Cheetah IC DBS and it is even a bit more open than the Anaconda... 
Room EQ: When new is Expensive, Old will do
I have a Behringer DSP/RTA which I use for room measurements. You can measure the room and then invert the room profile and correct for it with the DSP. It plays back through your system to produce a "flat" response. What I have found is that whil... 
recommendation of a sound level meter
Pubul57,You need to add the corrections at each frequency. So an 80db measured reading at 30hz is really 83db when corrected. 
calling all vandy 5a owners
I agree wholeheartedly with Rex. Room position is so important. In my case the final 5A position was significantly different from the previous position of my 2CIs. I used shallow baking pans lined with MDF to facilitate sliding the speakers around... 
Best Isolation Device for Speakers?
Barry, thanks for such a good description of the USE in audio systems! So given this, can isolation platforms (designed to convert vibration into heat) that are most frequently applied to components and amps be applied to speakers? What are the pr... 
That tube sound
ARC LS 15Several used at $1400 to $1500. 
Time Coherent Under $1K
Don't throw out the Vandys too fast. I have a second system in my office (which is 21'L x 9'W) with the 2Cis. They are on the short wall and exhibit very good bass, excellent imaging, and good height and depth. I spend a lot of time here and would... 
Glenn Gould piano recording of Beethoven
I believe a combination of speaker and room acoustics can also cause image wander. Try it for yourself. Take a CD with a frequency sweep and listen for imaging centering. You may hear the center moving back and forth especially in the 400 to 1000 ... 
Earphones driven by preamp RCAs?
Kr4: For the same volume, the speakers are at 9:00. Lets get more specific. My pre is an ARC LS 25 MKII. Can I do better with a headphone amp? 
Earphones driven by preamp RCAs?
I have plenty of volume at 12:00 - that is not the really what I am interested in here. What about the quality of the sound? What if I compare my headphones on the pre, to my headphones on a headphone amp RCA, to my headphones on a pre with a head... 
Earphones driven by preamp RCAs?
I believe matching the pre output and headphone input impedances will maximize the power transfer. So, anything else different between a pre with headphone jacks and one without?