
Responses from yyzsantabarbara

@invalid I spoke to someone who has the KRELL KSA i400 at their shop. A bit amazed at what I heard today about it.    
Want to go fiber optic into an Etherregen, could use some advice
Cheak out what people like Ed Mietner and Andreas Koch say about Fibre. Kind of validates my thinking on fibre. Fibre is the only way I stream now.  
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
I just got the great idea of GROUPING my ROON stream to both the Lumin X1-to-VM-1a amp and the Sonore OpticalRendu-to-GAN1. So, the same fibre stream is going to two different amps at the same time. I just need to disconnect the headphone cable fr... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
I got the modded GAN1 amp and my RAAL SR1a phones back today. I will give a description of the setup I will be using in the next few days. I was not able to figure out how to use the Lumin X1 DAC’s SPDIF streaming output with the GAN1. The X1 tak... 
Another 'Class A' amp that uses the iBias is the Westminster Labs. Similar to the KRELL XD that I said is 'Class A'. I have a CODA #16 amp that is Class AB and runs the first 100 watts in Class A. The 'pure Class A' KRELL XD is very similar sonica... 
DAC Shootout Starts This Weekend
I may be able to listen to a Playback Designs Merlot DAC.  Has anyone compared the older Merlot DAC to the latest designs from Playback Designs, the Edelweiss or Dream?  
Real Class A or not, this is the Class A amp I wanted to get (never say never).  I had 2 lower powered amps in the same lineup, and they were great. Krell KSA-i400 40th-Anniversary Reference Stereo Power Amplifier (hifiheaven.net) Read the specs... 
ZEN Mini S vs. Small Green Computer Sonic Transporter i5 music server/Ultra Rendu Streamer
I have the opticalRendu and a Lumin X1 with both doing fibre optic streaming. Both are great and I like the oR a bit more. I think it sounds a bit more refined vs the wild child of the X1. My 3rd streamer, Playback Designs Plink, is also fibre op... 
Recommendations for the best headphones with equalization after severe acoustic injury
@classicalpiano Give Mitch a call and describe your hearing issue. He can customize anything for your needs. I went with him after reading his DSP book. He is also very well known on the ComputerAudiophile web site. Accurate Sound Reproduction Us... 
Recommendations for the best headphones with equalization after severe acoustic injury
Another option for EQ is to talk with Mitch Barnet of accuratesound.ca. Since you are ROON user you can get better EQ using Convolution filters inside ROON. This is better than the standard ROON EQ. Mitch can make them for any phone. He is a bit o... 
Recommendations for the best headphones with equalization after severe acoustic injury
I was speaking with Danny McKinney at RAAL Requisite on Friday. He told me that he had spent that last 6 years designing an equalization system. The tech details were a little over my head, but he was using some 1930s tube magic and other things t... 
Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers
I also have a Playback Desing Plink fibre streamer. Getting a Playback Designs DAC in the next few months. The fibre cables in this streamer are different from what is used in the Sonore and Lumin X1 gear. I believe it is considered industrial gra... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
@mbolek I have a call with the dealer on Tues. Along with the sonics, I am interested in how the WiFi will work with ROON. Also, whether it has a has a remote control. The bi-amping feature is another thing I want to understand. Hope you can pos... 
Best Class D GaNFET Amp Comparison. Who to invite?
@jeffseight I can send Ric's modded Peachtree GAN1 but I cannot make it up to either location, working too much. You need a SPDIF streamer and volume control.  I have a few options at home to do both.   
Mola Mola Tambaqui Roon vs Separate Streamers
@krell_fan1 I have been singing the praises of the Sonore Optic streaming stuff for a while. I had 3 OpticRendu's but sold 2 recently. Reason being is that I got the Lumin X1 DAC which also has fibre streaming, along with 2 output streaming.  I d...