

Responses from yioryos

Best speakers 2,500 can buy.
I second the Aerial 10T.Simply put is outstanding and my favorite.Own them for a year and half and being very pleased with them.They sing better with lots of current.George 
Audio Aero Capitole; how is it holding up?
AmperidianDo you speak French?I never got a responce from Northstar Designs either only I don't speak Italian.George 
Simaudio Moon Eclipse vs Audio Aero Capitole MKII
NunoIs that a Portugese name? 
Multi Channle Amps
JeffreybehrNothing goes by you eh?Thanks for the corrections.Cheers George 
What is an HDMI input?
FatparrotYou are not alone,I need to catch up on this home theater new staff as well.I am a two channel guy also.Guys thanks for the explanation,I had no clue either.George 
Biwired speaker cables????
Hi TomMy understanding is that biwire hook up is used to reduce/eliminate signal interactions.By allowing the mid's/high's to travel on their own conductor away from the low's.George 
Electrical Recommendation
HiSome people reccommend to separate the digital from the analog components at the source.Also to plug your amps straight to the wall.Here is what I would do if I had your system.I would run two 20A lines(12/2 gauge Romex wire),and one 15A(14/2 ga... 
What is different between ML 23 and ML 23.5?
I am looking for a 27.5 to pair with my existing 27.5.I've seen 27's for 1100$ but the one 27.5 that I 've seen and didn,t get was 2200$ discounted and FIRM.I am still looking for a sweeter deal.George 
Question on a Levinson 27.5 amp
Another happy owner of a 27.5 here.Mine was bought from new and still has low hours.I enjoy mine on weekends and of course I turn on before listening session and off once I am finished.Never had a problem yet,knock on wood.Great amp,actually I am ... 
kr audio-help
All I know is that the brand comes from Chechoslovakia or something,Slavic brand . 
Help me deceide on pre-amp please
Rogue Audio Magnum 99 line stage.Used goes around your price range and perhaps less.Great sonics IMO,a favorite among audiophiles.Solid aluminum housing remote "brick type"and HT bypass can be added at factory.Can't go wrong with Rogue.BestGeorge 
Bi-wire options
I agree with jeffreybehr and would add that some people including myself like to use identical speaker cables for both low's and high's runs to the amp.Others like to use heavier gauge on the low's and lighter gauge wiring on the high's.I personal... 
Opinions on PS Audio Statement power cord
Thanks for your feedback.Their build does look impressive. George 
When audiophiles visit for a listening session
Nrchy.I am rather late on this but...Regarding the neighbors teenage sweethearts,uphere we say sixteen will get you twenty.LOL.Cheers 
Isolation Transformers
Allied electronics.Contact Al Magro @ (800)223-3619 ext 304.7.5 Kva MGE Topaz for 589$ plus shipping. 5.0 Kva for 511$.http://www.alliedelectronics.com/.Best of luckGeorge