

Responses from yioryos

Audiophiles... Why Men? Any woman here?
How do we expect from women to bring in and out the house 100lbs amps and 250lbs speakers and that's the normal ,some gear weight way more than that.If they could that that then they sure could slap us silly every time we raised/voiced our non app... 
What Bryston says about power cord...
NsgarchRegarding aftermarket PC's ,well I say yes to them what the hell almost all audiophools do ,I mind as well joint the crowd.But seriously don't you guys agree that the audio companies are interested in selling products (amps for example) tha... 
Soundproof Windows
Honest 1Too bad I am not around your area to come and install some new windows for you.I am a glazier by trade and since 1989 that's what I do,fabricate and install commercial curtain wall systems.That's the fancy glass on the high rise towers.But... 
Is this music to your r ears, or what?
LOLThanks for the laugh!!!!!George 
Sonic impact: Step-up/down transformers
Uhurit.Sean can be found at Audio Asylum.He doesn't stop here anymore.George 
Walker EST Silver treatment?
Thank you all for the explanation.I will go ahead and try the product.ThanksGeorge 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
Yes .Nordost is great by the wayGeorge 
Audio Research Reference CD-7
I'v seen pics of the unit and it looks great except the black handles ,it could be with out on my opinion.George 
Sonic impact: Step-up/down transformers
That's a good question,I like to hear opinions too.BestGeorge 
Top Ten Speaker Cables of all time?...
HiThe arrows should be pointing at the amp.If used between pre and amp.BestGeorge 
Tube iPod available at $99 Retail $9,099.99
NICE!!!!!!!!Put me down for one. 
Need DAC Advice
HiI never listened to a Theta dac,however I double the ARC recommendation.I own a DAC-3 tubed and it is very musical,I was told to install NOS Siemens or Telefunken's for further improvement but even with stock ARC tubes it is very good sounding.B... 
Walker EST Silver treatment?
Here is my question.Do you need to re-apply it every so often or is is one time application?ThanksGeorge 
DIY Shelves
Here is what I have in mind for a DIY project.Buy foam at 1 inch thick or 1 and a quarter thick from an upholstery shop.Have them cut the foam to specific sizes.Say 17 by 14 or something.Then go to a metal shop and buy aluminum panels of same size... 
ExactPower EP15A
I got another question.Above I read Nsgarch post where he claims that a 20A line requires a 10AWG wire by code.What code is this?In my city(Toronto,Canada) the local code asks for a 12Gauge.I understand that some use 10AWG or bigger but for code r...