

Responses from yioryos

Dedicated Line
Electrical code says 15A 14/2, 20A 12/2 .Wiring in wall with 10 gauge Romex is labor intensive and an inspector might not like it.All my separate/dedicated lines are 20A 12/2 with good quality receptacles on the end.Best of luckGeorge 
Stable component rack
Audphile1Audiophile mag is not to be taken that "seriously".Check for example member "grooves" answers here in Audiogon.He is Michael Fremer.Now for the ultimate stereo rack,I actually built my own,out of commercial aluminium,with stainless steel ... 
Thick 2" maple amp platform--couple or isolate?
Thank you guys.Guidocorona,your marine plywood idea sure sounds like a good project to do.I just need a source to get the stuff,Home Depot don't carry it.I did my own sandbox in the past,and also a home made all aluminum rack.OneobgynThanks for th... 
Stable component rack
Hi Audphile1I have a home made Archetype 5.Having said that don't jumb into conclusion that because mine is a home-made version of the original is in any way inferior e.t.c.Actually it is superior in it's construction quality and IMO looks very cl... 
Thick 2" maple amp platform--couple or isolate?
GuidocoronaThat sounds like a terrific idea,have you or anybody you know done it?Any more detailed info?OneobgynThe maple blocks that are shown on Boa2 link are IMO pretty much easy to make.Basically long pieces of maple glued and clamped together... 
What components would you take to a desert island?
Slappy welcome back.LOL 
Optical Cable
I just bought a Nordost Whitelight glass,very good construction.George 
A brutal review of the Wilson Maxx
Arthur welcome to Audiogon.I will sidestep with a question.Which store did you own in Toronto back in the day?I was puzzled and had a conversation with a fellow audiobuddy regarding this a while ago,he didn't know either.I am asking just out of cu... 
Best DAC under $2K
Another vote fot the Northstar.George 
Speakers for 80s rock?
AngelaI am not sure where you are located,I am in Toronto,Canada and we got a fairly new FM station playing strictly 80's.It is at 92.5FM and called JACK 92.5.Guess where I am tuned in 24/7!!!!at work or at home.Keep smilingGeorge 
Anyone used 240V-120V step down transformers?
MaichWhich amps ,brands,models,do you have?A lot of amps are 100lbs and some are twice that weight and moreGeorge 
Mark Levinson 30.5/31.5 vs Wadia 861se
Hi ChrisGood advice given here,I side with Beemer however and even though I don't own any of the digital gear that was mentioned I got trementous respect /confidence for ML.George 
Speakers for 80s rock?
I will second the 10T's.This is what I listen to mostly anyways.Everything 80's is my cup of tea,and my Aerial's do a wonderful job,they are however way above the price that was mentioned above.BestGeorge 
Top loading CD Player clearances
I own two cd transports that are top loaders.One is the Krell MD-1 and has an acrylic top cover that opens like the hood of a car for example.It requires at least 12 inches of space ,my other one is the Northstar M-192 and it uses a sliding door,s... 
AnarchyI am happy to see that the caps don't seam to bother you today.Sorry for the rest of you guys,he knows what I am talking about,once I posted in caps(no big deal,in my opinion)and he jumbed in from nowhere to flame me,that was rude.GEORGE