

Responses from yioryos

Recommend tube amp for $3.5K used
MV 60 is great ,I own the MV55 and agree the sonics are excellent,BUT member "pdbeher"is asking among others a solid bass which brings the Rogue Zeus into my mind,I was A LUCKY guy and found one in my area this week,well I bought it,I am happy!!!!... 
Best bargain find ever ?
How do you guys get these deals ??? Wow !!!!!! 
Need advise choosing speaker wire
If we are going to talk about gauge then the Oval 9's are well,a 9 gauge as the name suggests,also the Kimber 8 TC is a combined 8 gauge and let's not forget the PS Audio Statements at gauge six(6). All of the above choices are wallet friendly .Re... 
Biamping with Digital amps Minimally Effective?
Guys where is Sean when you need him,ever since he left we can't get a straight answer anymore.Cheers I am only kiddingHappy New Year to all.George 
What do you use to CLEAN audio equipment CASES?
BigjoeThat was a great tip,thanks.I wonder if it works on aluminum as well?George 
Need advise choosing speaker wire
The Oval 9 from Analysis Plus are very good and not that expensive used.Also another favorite of mine is the Kimber 8TC or better yet combined with 4TC in biwire mode.George 
Digital Lens question
I own two lenses,I guess that means I love them.The one is used between a Krell md-1 and ARC dac-3,a very real and definite improvement,increased soundstage,vocals become clearer and added depth.I am not sure about your computer equipment but addi... 
Better Way To Biamp?
One popular active crossover that sells used here all the time is the Bryston 10B,very good from what I hear.George 
merry christmas everyone dedicated lines..????
UncertainsmileDedicated isolated lines are not hard to install yourself.Basically Romex wire either 14/2 for 15A or 12/2 for 20A.Connect the wire from the main panel to only one outlet.Running the Romex through the walls is the hard part,BUT there... 
Where are you from this Christmas..
Merry Christmas from Toronto,Ontario ,Canada to all Audiogoners.George 
What is a "Infinity Monoluma" ?
WeiserbThanks for the insights,seems to be a nice product to use with dance music.George 
What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?
Pabelson HiExcuse me for my French but what is "laetrile",I was kind of lazy to do a websearch on it.Please do elaborate.Now did Geoff twist anybody's arm to force him to buy his products?If so please come forward and share your pain.I have no rel... 
What is a "Infinity Monoluma" ?
Is it not a phrase of mixed English and Latin?Then again English is a mix of Greek and Latin to begin with,right? Go figure people.George 
Wanna know how noisy your AC is ?
BrainwaterOne time he bragged about his power conditioner knowledge on the forums,so I asked him a question in a direct e-mail to him regarding how to fix my broken Tice .He nver responded,so a few days later I resend my e-mail.Nothing again.Then ... 
Why so many amplifiers for sale?
My opinion is that people get bored after a while with their current equipment and want a change,so they sell and move on to something else,not necessarily better but certainly different.All of us get bored with our gear but some of us faster than...