

Responses from yioryos

whatz up with tape input/outputs?
ViridianDo you have any experience with EQ or better yet the dynamic range expanders like DBX products and if so what can I expect fron a unit like that soundwise? There was one for sale the other day,and I was thinking about getting it.ThanksGeorge 
What's the deal with the Machina Dynamica Clock?
Maybe Geoff doesn't want to explain how the clock works because others will follow with their versions,maybe the clock is something so simple but effective in improving the sound but nobody though of it before.I have no experience with the product... 
Removed sofa, thought I needed more bass trapping
My good man,where did you move the sofa?Not on the sidewalk I hope!Sorry I couldn't help myself.BestGeorge 
Help-Genesis Digital Lens
Tabl10s is correct.I own two lenses,one has the plastic remote and the other is metal remote.Recently a guy was selling a lens with TWO metal remotes.I offered to buy the second remote so I can upgrade my plastic remote and he turned me down.His r... 
Wanna know how noisy your AC is ?
Actually I've read one of his posts in AA recently under "Sean",in regards to his brilliand thoughs ,that is a debate.BestGeorge 
Best bang for buck powercond. ?
People.He wants a Power Conditioner not a Power Cord.PS Audio as noted is very good and you can try the Ultimate Outlets for a lot less than the P300 and see for your self. 
New blood needs your Amp/system advice, please.
I think you need to upgrade to a high current power amp,an older Krell perhaps.The speakers could stay for now,but you need a better amp.Your line stage is great,I got an ARC LS3B too paired with a Mark Levinson 27.5 in my second system,and it roc... 
Etmerritt33I had bad experience with Fedex and UPS,but Fedex paid for the damage fairly easy,in my case anyway.But back in the summer UPS destroyed a set of TICE Powerblock/Titan that were delivered to me from Hawaii.To this day I haven't seen a p... 
Why do you never near anything about Spectral
Excuse me people,can't the reviewers/magazine, buy the product in question and test it? DaaaH? There is got to be something else envolved.George 
Animal damage to system
Sorry to hear your problems with cats,if I had a cat chewing my expensive cables,well she wouldn't get a second chance.Cut their claws and maybe pull out their teeth.Just kidding but in any case I wouldn't put up with a situation like this.George 
CD to DAC to DAT to DAC?
GunbeiMr.Wren's lesson is a nice play with words,but it is not accurate .Greece is located in Europe,Turkey is in Asia and Iran in Middle East.So if traveling from West to East,you will visit Greece first,then cross over to Turkey and finally to I... 
CD to DAC to DAT to DAC?
GunbeiMr.Wren's lesson is a nice play with words,but it is not accurate .Greece is located in Europe,Turkey is in Asia and Iran in Middle East.So if traveling from West to East,you will visit Greece ,then cross over to Turkey and after to Iran.Reg... 
Audio cables or Audio gear from N Z or Australia
Metaxas Audio Systems 
monoblock hook-up very dumb question, sorry
Guys Enjoy your M120's.Nice amps.I got the 150's myself and love them.I am thinking of moving up to a Rogue Zeus to run the bass and use the 150's for mids/highs.I am on a look out for a good deal on a used Zeus hopefuly when funds are avalaible .... 
isolation transformer
BeowulfSorry to dissapoint,but I believe that T4's are extremely rare and hard to find.I would love one also.Member "Psycicanimal" has two of them,but told me they were impossible to find.He was lucky.George