

Responses from wntrmute2

Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?
Just to add my opinion here. I'm listening to a T3 mounted on a HW-19. Sounds just fantastic. Running a Sumiko Blackbird into a DIY Phonoclone3. Bass is deep and tight, cymbals sound as good as they ever will through my 50+ year ears. The music ha... 
What happens to the shield? Do you add it to the negative connector at one end, both ends or let it float? ThanksDave 
New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?
I played it after the long hot soak. Sounded fine to me but I was playing it on a system I had just assembled. I recently returned the album to the owner. let's see what Tom has to say about the sound! 
New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?
A fellow sent me this Steely Dan Aja album to try and flatten. After multiple attempts; 6 hours, then 12 hours, then 24 hours and finally 48 hours in the vinyl flat and pouch, the thing is pretty flat. labor intensive but ultimately successful. I'... 
New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?
Offer is still open. I'll try to flatten a few LPs for those that want to see if this thing works. No promises, it has worked for me on the few I've tried but I've been too busy to work through my collection. 
New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?
I'd be happy to try and flatten it for you. Contact me at WntrMute2@aol.comDave 
New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?
No negative effects that I can hear. The Band's Rock of Ages (2nd LP) is in the flattener now. I'll try and post some short video of before and after. 
New 'Vinyl Flat' flattener?
I tried mine out today with the pouch. 5 hours heating time and a couple of cooling hours. Pretty severe edge warp gone in a new pressing of Lucinda Williams "West" which all four copies I tried were next to unplayable. So far, so good. 
Do you ground your bearing?
I did add a ground wire from the bearing on my TNT to the grounded SAMA. I was getting wicked shocks during the winter that have all but gone away. Worth wile 50 cent tweak. 
Best Pre with a built-n phono section?
I happen to love my Wright WPL-20. All tube including power supply. Little objectionable heat issues. Adjustable gain for phono section. They occasionally come up on the used market as Geaorge died a few years ago. :( 
Sonic difference bteween VPI hw 19 mk iv & VPI TNT
I have both the TNT MK III and a HW-19. I think the TNT sounds just like you would expect the HW-19s big brother wouild sound. More bass, midrange and treble extension. Better solidarity to the "images" Speed is more accurate also d/t SDS. I still... 
SME V - VTA screw replacement
Yup, I ordered one thru a local dealer and got it within a few weeks. You can set the VTA without it. Just loosen the clamp screws and you can move the arm up and down by hand, Just like many other arms. It would work to get you started if you wan... 
Revel Studio or Von Schweikert VR4 Mk1 or Salk HT3
Check out the Salk forum on the Audio Circle. There is an audition list you can search or post to, hopefully finding a pair close to you to audition. I think I'd make a 6 hour trip to audition a speaker I was going to spend that kind of change for... 
Revel Studio or Von Schweikert VR4 Mk1 or Salk HT3
Sorry, the standard HT-2s are $4,200. Add some custom wood or other options and tack on another 200-300 bucks. I paid right around $4,200 for mine with a solid front baffle, matching plinths and in redgum. Before the price increase recently. The p... 
Revel Studio or Von Schweikert VR4 Mk1 or Salk HT3
I think Salks are well north of your price point. The HT3s are around $6,000 and the HT2-TLs (which I bought new) are pushing $5,000. Occasionally, very occasionally a used set shows up holding their price fairly well. Beautiful sounding as well a...