

Responses from wntrmute2

Kudos to Peter Ledermann at Soundsmith
I want to add my kudos to SS. I sent off my Sumikp Blackbird with a bent cantilever to have him do his thing. About 1 week later I had my cart back with a straight cantilever for just the price of shipping. Nice work Peter! Saved me $250 bucks at ... 
Solid State Phono Pre-amp Recommendations
If you are at all handy with a soldering iron, try the Phonoclone 3, kicks many phonostages' under the bus for less than $100.00 or so. 180 pages of help and advice here: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/analogue-source/57398-phonoclone-vsps-pcb-hel... 
Trans Fi Terminator T3Pro - which cartridge
I know this is quite an old thread resurrected but I thought I'd put my 2 cents in. I'm happy with my Sumiko Blackbird feeding a DIY Phonoclone3 phonostage into an all tube system. The arm is mounted on a VPI HW-19. I have a hard time imagining be... 
any success with "Vinyl flat" and warped records
http://forum.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/fr.pl?eanlg&1312946621&read&keyw&zzwntrmute2Lots of information in the thread above. I personally have had good results with mine.As the link in the prior thread has been corrupted (how does that h... 
What's your SDS setting?
Oddly enough 58.79 Hz gives me perfect speed with a KAB strobe on my TNT. Weird huh? 
Linear tracking vs. Pivoted tracking tone arms.
I've got to chime in here. I've been running a Trans-Fi Terminator low pressure air bearing tonearm that is affordable, simple to set up and sounds fantastic. Easily runs with my SME-V which I also love. The music flows so beautifully off the Term... 
Anvil turntables
I met Mr. McDougall at AK Fest recently. While I did not get to listen to his table, he seemed very concerned with producing a great cost effective TT. His sincerity was evident, that combined with Fremer's glowing review portends good things from... 
Replacement for VPI TNT mark v
Another thought, Fremer just reviewed a table called Anvil and really liked it. Small footprint, relatively cheap and built here in Detroit area. Never heard one, but I have talked to the guy making them and HE sounded good. 
Replacement for VPI TNT mark v
I have a TNT Mklll with SME -V as well as a HW-19 with a tTerminator T-3. The smaller table runs right with the larger one. I attribute that to the tonearm on the HW-19. I would suggest picking up a used 19 adding the Terminator and you'll have pl... 
Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?
It is hard to compare the two. I seem to enjoy the way the music just seems to "flow" out of the rig with the T-3 in it. The system consists of a HW-19 Mk3-4ish. Sumiko Blackbird cartridge that feeds a DIY Phonoclone 3 phono stage. That runs into ... 
Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?
Redglobe, I'm in the Detroit area. If you want to spend the time to come to Detroit, you can hear my T-3 on a VPI HW-19.WntrMute2@aol.com 
the perfect tonearm
Check out the Terminator T-3 from Trans-Fi. Fits most turntable without worrying about P to S distance. Easy as pie to set-up. VTA on the fly, azimuth is adjustable, no anti-skate to worry about. Many, many cartridges are compatible. Around $1000 ... 
Help VPI SDS Issue
Even easier. Click this and there is a downloadable manual as well as the calibration information about half way dow the page. The calibration info tell you how to adjust the steps in the voltage.http://www.vpiindustries.com/manuals.htm 
VPI SDS speed issue
While I was sorting things out with my set-up I used grease that was too heavy, To trouble shoot, you can eliminate the step-down voltage drop quite easily. Try that and see if the speed remains constant. Then you can try the different drop down s... 
Experience w/ Trans-Fi Auio Terminator Tone Arm?
Thanks for the help guys. I wonder if a specialty forum might be in order for guys like us somewhere? AK, AA, or Audio Circles. Any thoughts?