
Responses from wireless200

Wilson MAXX musicallity and sound
I don't agree about speaker placement and room acoustics. I had many problems with the sound and highs from my system running Krell, MF, Marantz. I tried all sorts of things with the room along with speaker placement and power conditioners. I fina... 
Cambridge 740c or Rega Apollo with Linn and Sonus
The Cambridge is flavor of season. They are already starting to turn up fairly often in used. Rega has been a class leader at its price point for 5 or 10 years.The benchmark dac is the same way. Take a look at how many you see used. Look at a hot ... 
Ayre K1xe vs. Simaudio P7, P8
Which McIntosh did you audition and what was the amp used with it? 
Why does it sound better at lower volumes?
Added Golden Reference XLRs today. Improved an already good sound. I was wary of anything that would increase the highs of course. I took a chance with the GR after having read the Golden Cross was super smooth. The Golden reference ICs brought ou... 
Why does it sound better at lower volumes?
Well I have to say I pretty much solved my problems with the highs. I tried most of the stuff suggested and went through two amps and finally bought a McIntosh MC402. I had really given up on all the stuff such as room conditioners, power conditio... 
Klipsch forte II what league are they in?
I have a pair of Fortes I bought when I was in the army in teh 80s. I love those speakers. Can't bear to sell 'em. I've had a number of pairs of speakers since then but the Fortes are not bad. Mid-fi is about right. I think you have to like the ho... 
Does this bother anyone else?
I've noticed that but I always get the free shipping so I'm not complaining. I can wait. 
Aerial 7b's
Last time I talked to the guys at Aerial a few months ago they had no plans to phase out the 7b. I think it's one of their best selling models - probably due to the WAF. How else to explain the better sounding 8B phased out a couple years ago - th... 
how does the transporter rate
The digital output should be fine, although more jitter than I care for.Steve, how are you determining the jitter at a certain level - listening or measurements. The TP jitter matches the Benchmark DAC 1 while having about a 10 dB lower noise floo... 
how does the transporter rate
It verges on being overly detailed. It's ok. I'm not sure I would buy the Transporter again. The measurements are great on it. The noise floor is 10 dB lower than the Benchmark DAC 1.I'm in the process of A-B'ing the transporter against several DA... 
Maybe too detailed
I agree with Steve. I've experienced similar issues. A good pre-amp/amp will, no other word to say it, ruthlessly expose weakness in the DAC. IME, you can either upgrade the DAC (and I haven't done sucessfully done that yet because so many DACs so... 
Former Rega Apollo owners, Upgraded to what?
I'm happy with my Apollo. Best CDP for the money, I've heard. regards, David 
Has anyone try the Benchmark DAC1 Preamp?
If you're referring to the DAC1 Pre, why not just eliminate your preamp from the system and go straight into the amp (if you have separates)?regards, David 
Why does it sound better at lower volumes?
I'm thinking it's the room. Unfortunately WAF prevents much in the way of room treatments. Most I could do is probably something on the wall behind the speakers or some temporary panels I could pull out and set out along the wall when I wanted to ... 
Why do amps sound different?
Atma, why do you say tubes obey the rules of human hearing more than ss? I've heard that said a couple of times recently but I'm not sure why that would be. If a SS amp outputs the same waveform as is input how is that not obeying the rules of hum...