
Responses from wireless200

NAD M3/Marantz PM11
Two different animals. The NAD is made in China now. The NAD is warmer, blurrier while the Marantz is detailed and has the typical Japanese sound - correct but can be sterile. If those are the only two you're considering it should be an easy decis... 
Will a new Preamp sovle my Problem?
Great advice from Musicnoise. I too was told room acoustics over and over. And A/C power. Getting right in front a speakers knocked off the brightness a bit but it was still there. Buy a Furetech didn't help matters either. I changed amps and it c... 
Need feedback on Rega Mira 3 integrated amp
I like the Rega Amps. Nice and polite and sound pretty good. 
Speakers: $3,000-$4,000 on Audiogon
Second what Racamuti says. You really start limiting your amp choices with speakers in the 80s spl range. Sure if you've got the wallet for the amp these low efficiency speakers sound great. Not to mention powerful amps are heavy! I still can't be... 
Speakers: $3,000-$4,000 on Audiogon
I've heard the Mcintosh with JMLabs and it sounded very good. I have an Mc402 as well. If I were to make a change from my current speakers (Aerials), I would put the Focal/JMLabs at or near the top of my list. 
How would you improve the sound of Squeezebox?
Transporter is a good route. I have a SB, a Transporter and until last week a Rega Apollo. The SB was about 85% of the Apollo's sound quality while the Transporter was in between the two. 
Silky and soft highs II: CD reference tests
I second what Jaybo said, and would also add the amp you use has quite an effect on the sound as well. 
Balanced or Unbalanced?
Yes, you have to know which are truly balanced and which are adding a differential circuit. And this works both ways. For example the Slim Device Tranporter adds a circuit for unbalanced. The native output right out of the DAC chip is balanced. So... 
Low capacitance interconnect??
Cardas Golden reference are very low. 
Pat Metheny Fans, Great Suggestions Please ??
Offramp is my favorite. Bought it in 1984 and have listened to it steadily ever since. I haven't really liked a lot of his other stuff. I bought several more of his albums and offshoot group efforts hoping to get a duplicate of Offramp. No luck at... 
Primare I30 vs Krell KAV 400xi
I had a Krell 400Xi. It was very dynamic. It gives you everything that's there - from top to bottom. I had a little problem with the highs mainly because of bad recordings (compression, boost). The Krell is completely unforgiving in that regard. O... 
Mcintosh or Classe
After owning Krell, Marantz, NAD, and Musical Fidelity I'm happy with my mc402. I think the older Classe' is supposed to be better than the new. The Classe' I've listened to in the dealer's didn't do anything special for me. I didn't really care f... 
They lost my amp
I guess we could all tell stories about shipping. I bought an amp and preamp from a couple states away. They would make it to my town and then UPS would send it back to the origin. I called several times after I saw this weird behavior. They did a... 
Latest Steve Winwood - Excellent
Which Stevie Winwood period does it sound like? I'm assuming not the Gimme some lovin' Steve. So folky Traffic / Freestyle Jammin' Traffic / Excellent first First solo / 2nd solo MOR Radio dross / Traffic Reunion / The later MOR forgettable stuff?... 
why do companies charge double for xlr cables?
Cardas charges the same for either.