
Responses from wireless200

Who has the best plasma monitor these days
Pioneer best, Panasonic 2nd. The frame doesn't look all that great on the Panny but it's a big improvement over the silver of last year. LCD is not quite up to Plasma quality yet, that is, if the CRT is your standard from which to measure. 
What Volume do you listen at?
I found that when I moved up to better equipment that I listen at lower volume levels. I crank it up every once in while just to get my YAs YAs out but the system really sounds better at reasonable levels. All the detail and quality is there and, ... 
How to make sound less detailed with warmth?
Move a different speaker. Thiel's are known to have a highly "analytical" sound. With Theils, that is an end unto itself. This echos my own experience with them. It's universal across the product line or at least every model I've heard.People like... 
Mcintosh 6900/Klipsh Cornwall III - a good match?
Generally it's not the power people buy the 6900 for but the autotransformer. Evidently that component reduces the graniness somewhat heard with the 6300/6500. It's still there, just less so. If you must go with the Mc integrated line, it's clearl... 
Mcintosh 6900/Klipsh Cornwall III - a good match?
No way I'd do that combination. First while the 6900 sounds ok but a little harsh on the highs, putting it through the horns will not produce a plesant listening experience. It's pretty hard to get any modern SS amp to sound good through horns. Th... 
What DAC can improve REGA Saturn?
I agree with Fatelvis. Why not use the Saturn? It's like buying a Ferrari and wanting to put a Corvette engine in. The Corvette engine would kick a$$ too but why use it? The Saturn is widely recognized as a great CD player. You might as well upgra... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
Aerial 8Bs on a Theta system. 
Anybody hear Murano ICE amps?
I dunno. The class d waveforms are pretty messy. Certainly there's more going on there on top of the 10 khz square wave than 500KHz switching. Of course you can take a look at some of the outputs of very popular tube amps Manley, et. al., and the ... 
Rega Saturn and Apollo-How good are they??
I've had somewhat similar experiences. I have an Apollo and it sounds pretty good. Great for the money. And better IMO than anything else in that price range. Far better than the several hundred dollar players and cheap universal players.I had to ... 
Zappa plays Zappa
Rosedanny - Shiek Yer Booty, Joe's Garage, Just another band from LA, Shiek Yer Booty.Wildoats - I agree. I've seen FZ three times and listened to Dweezil on TV and a live album. His guitar playing is pretty good but it ain't his Daddy's by any st... 
Pass X-250.5 or McIntosh MC402?
The Pass, as well regarded as it is, didn't do anything special for me on a pair of Genesis speakers. Volume control was noisy as well.regards, David 
Anybody hear Murano ICE amps?
Apparently a clean square wave in results in a fuzzy, noisy square wave out (of a Class D amp). I'm thinking this is probably not a good thing. 
Anyone recommend a neutral tube amp?
Do any of 'em take in a 1 KHz and a 10 KHz square wave and output a reasonable facimile of same? 
Best short-lived band?
Sniff and the Tears 
Fvorite pop/rock albums of all time
I had made a list a while back. I think these top x lists are not worth all that much if there's no explanation given. With that said...Top 6 albums of all time. Criteria -Nearly every track needs to be good. These must be discs you can put on and...