
Responses from wireless200

Ayre AX-7e vs Plinius 9200
I've the Plinius is good but that they have reliability issues. 
Replace cable box with Tivo
Geared, what model did you buy? I've been thinking about either adding tivo or doing what you did. 
Best stereo recievers of the 1970's?
I always like Yamaha and I thought Technics sounded good. 
Element Cables vs Signal Cable
I would agree with Somec59. I bought Signal Cables Analog ICs and didn't care for them. First they didn't sound good. They were harsh. Second, the quality was not good. The shrink wrap came off. I have three sets and I'm not using them.I eventuall... 
Low volume music
Intrestingly, I find my Krell sounds better at low volumes especially in the bass regions. I concluded that this is due to one or both of two things. First the Krell has a kind of what some term as a forward sound or dynamics. Therefore it kind of... 
Build location for tube integrateds
I agree to an extent but with SS, which I'm familiar with, a house sound is there to one degree or another no matter which speaker is used with it. For example MF equipment always sounds the same to me. Other examples are Krell, ML, Ayre, Naim, Th... 
What happened to Aragon, Camelot?
Have you noticed that just about everything Klipsch has touched in the last 10~20 years they've turned to cr*p?They've got this huge fan base left over and have convinced many of the kids that "the slam" and metallic drivers are it. I have to say ... 
Build location for tube integrateds
Pubul, how do you use them, I mean if one sounds much better than the other why are you still using the Pass? I assume you are more in the audiophile mode with the tubes turning it on, letting it warm up, etc. and that takes more time. What speake... 
Build location for tube integrateds
I must say, I'm cooling off on the tube idea. I've researched the brands above pretty throughly and the thing that gets me, the measurements, in for example Stereophile. Have you seen those? Especially the 1 KHz square wave. Wow! The output is hig... 
Build location for tube integrateds
Trelja, I've read good things about the Stingray but I notice it's only 20 watts per channel. Also I notice some of the SET amps only 8 watts/ch. What's up with that?I've heard people say x watts for tube is like y watts for a SS amp. Being an ele... 
Build location for tube integrateds
I have Aerial 7Bs on the Krell. I have a pair of Klispch Fortes kind of sitting in my office. I'm torn between buying something that could easily power the Klipsch's like a Cary SLI or something more costly with more horsepower that could power th... 
Help me with Klipsch Heresy III
I would make sure you've got a decent source but the tube amp should make them sound nice. The Klipsch can defintely be harsh with solid state. Also I don't know about the IIIs but the I's and II's can really soak up the power despite their high s... 
What do you think about this statement
I have to say the best system I ever heard was a Naim system. It was about $60k but in my experience I've never heard anything better.regards, David 
Naim Nait 5i with Tetra 120u's
I have a Oppo 970 and a Rega Apollo both on the same system. The Rega is clearly better soundwise. The 970 is better than they average $80 universal players but not up there with the Rega. I second what Adam said about Oppo saying the other models... 
music server
I think the Sqeezebox 3 would be a good item for you check out based on how you've said you'll be using it. You can have your CDs, etc., on an existing computer and still use the computer for normal computer duties. The SB can be either wireless o...