
Responses from wireless200

Selling to Canadians
Several people have mentioned it but I'll say it again. Don't ship UPS because it's very possible to be backbilled on the customs charges. I sold a camera once to a guy in Canada and he refused to pay the custom charges even though we'd spoken abo... 
M Audio Audiophile 192, bang or bust?
It's better than a Soundblaster. It's not going to be up there with, you know, a regular dac or good CD player. 
Whatever happened to Enid?
Tasteful but not much to get excited about. Air pudding. I hear some of the John Barleycorn sound but it's mostly the same stuff he's been doing for the last 25 years. Arc of a Diver was the last really good album made. 
Do You Have 10cc's 'The Original Soundtrack'
I don't but I always use some of their songs such as "I'm not in Love" to test for sibilance." I hear huge differences between amps on this song. A Krell will absolutely shred your ears while a McIntosh will cruise right through it. 
Anybody remember Mirror Image Audio ?
A guy I work was a part of that company. According to him they are great amps. I never heard his. He just sold it. Their amps were rated in horsepower instead of watts. He's got some funny stories about going to shows and other little tidbits of t... 
Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5
To each his own. I spent a lot of time and money on "revealing", "nuanced", "accurate", "detailed", and the coda: a quote from The Matrix: "You know, I know this steak doesn't exist. I know that when I put it in my mouth, the Matrix is telling my ... 
Krell KAV400 VS Musical Fidelity A300 A 3.2 A3.5
The difference is clear if you listen to them. Both have their adherents. I would highly recommend listening to both to see which sound you like. Krell - forward, detailed, unforgiving. You'd better have a good source because the Krell will let yo... 
New Green Mountain Audio Website
Wow, would you actually buy a speaker that looks like that? Looks like something you find on Star Wars. Differentiation is almost required nowadays but I think these miss the mark aesthetically, IMO. Can't imagine them meeting anyone's WAF. 
best artists in the last 15 years
Honestly I come up empty when I compare the last 15 to the 20 before that. I listen to a lot of music and buy a lot of CDs - sure I've found some pretty good ones - but in context of my entire listening life since the late 60s - they just don't me... 
is getting a tube pre a valid option with ss amp?
I just added a c2300 Mcintosh tube pre to my Mc MC402 SS power amp. The difference was noticeable. The power amp I thought sounded great - nice and smooth - but because I wanted tone controls, a 12 v trigger, and because the input sensitivity is r... 
Integrateds: Warm sounding SS vs Hybrid
I just added a McIntosh c2300 tube preamp to my Mc 402 ss power amp. The power amp was already smooth but the tube pre gives it that tube sound. Just really nice if you want the tube sound without the maintenance that comes with a tube power amp. ... 
A/V power conditioner under $200
The APC H series is around that price. I have one and it so far it seems to be a good value and work well. I just don't have room for it in my rack so it sits off to the left of my system. 
turning my system on during lightning storms
I would at least turn the system off. A surge from a lightning strike hit my stereo in the 80s and mess up several compenents - Teac tape deck, Yamaha preamp. They were never right again after that although I sent them back for repair several time... 
Mac 402 vs. 275
Not sure of the specs of the Anniversary Edition but if it's like the Specials at 4 ohm and 88 dB, I'm not so sure that the tube amp will drive the all that well. 
Does anyone do speaker mods?
I've noticed modding speakers hurts their resale. For example people mod Klipsch speakers all the time but I notice when they sell them they seem to go for much less than comparable unmodded in equal condition. Something to think about.