
Responses from wireless200

Telephones for Audiophiles?
Poor performance is almost always related to high usage as you would imagine in NY City. Show me a system with few users and I'll show you a system where you almost always have good call quality. That provider will either be more expensive or abou... 
How to reproduce sound of piano
This might suprise but I think Krell does a good job on piano. Since you're not dealing with highs where Krells can easily cause pain on other than the best recordings, I would suggest giving a Krell amp a try. The way a lot of piano pieces are re... 
Top Alternative Rock Albums of 2008
I would say the best thing I've found this year is The Sea in Cake's new album. It's the best thing I've heard since Sufjan Stevens "Illinois." You can listen to the whole album at their Facebook page. Accomplished musicians who play very well tog... 
Telephones for Audiophiles?
Magfan, I believe the origin or family of languages has enough in common that it is less of an issue. European comes from common origins more or less. On the other hand an Asian language with all the tones and inflections spoken on a European lang... 
Telephones for Audiophiles?
Landline is 0 to 4 KHz. (sampling rate 8 KHz and 8 bits for 64 kbs. Nyquist rate must be twice highest frequency). This is why a T1 is 1.544 MB/sec. 24 trunks times 64 kbs plus some overhead bits.)What people don't know about cellphones is they're... 
Squeezebox 3 As A Preamp?
Basically you put an attenuator in and of the size that prevents blowing up your speaker at max volume. The Transporter is very easy to set attenuation. I have a SB as well but haven't looked in detail at attenuating it but it should be not too di... 
Need some advising
I'd definitely try to small vintage tube amp. There's plenty on Ebay and Audiogon. Many Klipsch owners use those and love them. 
Company loyalty- What has been your favorite?
Good personal experience with Ayre and Aerial Acoustics. Both always give personal service. 
Squeezebox 3 As A Preamp?
Buy the best amp you can afford and run the SB directly into it. The amp you buy depends on your speakers and tastes and type of music you listen to. 
Into 2009; What rules?? Tubes or Solid State
Whatever sounds good to you. I have both and throughly enjoy either. 
otl vs push/pull
Atma, do SS amps have output transformers? I assume McIntosh autotransformers have the same hystersis effects. Maybe that's why the Mc's sound tubey. Do the Atmasphere amps have output transformers? 
RUSH Snakes and Arrows DVD Live
I agree with Ben. Vapor Trails was, ouch, a Rick Rubin style recording made when it was popular for recordings to be "noisy." Metallic's St. Anger was similar. Rush has made some fantastic recordings and they have a wide body of work available to ... 
AC/DC Black ice
I heard Angus say in an interview that "Black Ice just sounded cool." Also he was asked what was the best work he'd done. He replied "Buying a guitar and a schoolboy's uniform was the best thing I've ever done." 
Best Neil Young Album?
Well, I like _Trans_ pretty well. 
My favorite Steely Dan song has to be...
I guess you know Kid Charlemagne is loosely based on Owsley according to WB. Not sure I'd really classify him as a dealer but more as a promoter.