
Responses from winoguy17

What’s really hurting the audio hobby?
My last experience in a B&M store was so bad I promised myself I was done  and would take my chances buying online.. I called this store to verify hours and get directions, said I would like to come down the next day ( 2 hr. drive ) and hear a... 
And now it's Dave Bartholomew.....
 Anyone else getting tired of the seemimg proliferation of  ' y'all ' ? 
Sofia Electric Blue 6SN7
 ^ ^ ^ ^ 
Revel F228BE
 I was very interested in the F 228 but honestly coudnt stand the look of them, especially with the grills of.  
Sofia Electric Blue 6SN7
Where are you buying these from?  Thanks 
Sofia Electric Blue 6SN7
The Day the Music Burned
 Already discussed: 
Most useful tweaks that are sensible and really make a noticeable improvement
 Check the bolts holding the individual drivers in your speakers at least once a year. You might be surprised how they can loosen over time... 
SS Amp Designer by Reputation
 As noted , McCormack is a good choice. So is Modwright. 
How many of us are truly satisfied with their systems?
 I dont think Ive ever really been dis-satisfied with any of  my systems, but as we all know, one of the symptoms of this disease is the urge for constant improvement, no matter how small. I recently bought new speakers and I am very happy and con... 
New vinyl quality....
 I wouldnt blame this on RTI. This record was clearly used, returned and repackaged . The worst thing was I showed it to a manager. Two weeks later the same record was back in the bin. No way they should be allowed to sell this as  "new ". Also th... 
New vinyl quality.... your text ... 
Modwright LS100 or Aesthetix Calypso
 All I can say is I own the LS 100 and love it. Clean, quiet, dynamic with just the right amount of tube magic. 
Why Do You Love Being an Audiophile?
 The chicks.... 
Best way to spike a large tower ( 100 lbs +)
 I really appreciate the input. I am hoping to give this a shot over the weekend. Markalarsen, I am on a suspended floor, could you elaborate as to why you feel spiking is not ideal? Speaks are Focal Electra 1038be. Thanks again everyone.