
Responses from winoguy17

Great Customer Service From Simaudio
 I also had excellent support from them when I called. 
Merrill Audio - I highly recommend.
Join the 'Gon yesterday, shilling today... 
Diana Krall
rpeluso;  I concur with almost everything you've said, and admire you're effort to stay classy. 
River Takes the Town by the Wood Brothers has been stuck in my head for the last 4 days.... 
Popping when kids are jumping
What shadorne said,,, 
Done buying new vinyl's another reason! 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
Update for anyone who cares:  yesterday I returned to B&N and went back to the vinyl. The same album I returned was sitting in the bin! It wasn't sealed, just had a plastic slip cover on it. I took the album out to check: , filthy,scratched an... 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
As I said previously, B& N returned the LP without hassle, my issue was being told that this happens quite frequently. I foolishly assume that buying new means I am the first person to open that LP. 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
jnorris2005-  This has nothing to do with analog vs digital for gods sake. Its about being sold a used item that is presumed and marketed as new. 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
This was my first issue... 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
Jaybe, I have moved on. I just find it troubling that a major chain is selling repackaged used goods as new. 
Vinyl from Barnes & Noble
Is that important?  It was Paul Simon  Graceland. 
Best music of 2017
Slaid Cleaves-  Ghost on the Car Radio 
Most satisfying system change in 2017?
 A new Hana SL cartridge 
Modwright Preamp Owners.
My LS100 replaced a Modwright SW 9.0 SE. Have built in phono stage, love this thing.