
Responses from winoguy17

The 5 stages of making a bad audio purchase
 Did someone say wine? 
A Visit to Vu Jade' Audio in New Jersey
 Should sound good for what theyre charging.... 
Rega P6/ or Clearaudio Concept, both with same cartridge?
 I have the Concept with Hana SL and am very happy with it. I have not had any problem with footfall either. FWIW it replaced a Rega table with Rega Exact cart.  . Fuller, richer sound than the Rega, though I was always happy with the speed and dr... 
Mapleshade...where's the love?
 Mods deleted my first response,not sure why,but lets try again in a kinder gentler way:  Because the music ( artists ) arent very good, no matter how well they are recorded. 
Amp for focal 1038be?
their s/b there 
Amp for focal 1038be?
 Im using a Simaudio Moon W5.3SE with mine and am quite happy. Bass is fast and tuneful,and their is some nice wallop to these when you crank them up a bit. The highs are the best Ive heard in my room. They can dip down to 3 ohms so make sure you ... 
Simaudio Moon 250i Question
 I own the W5.3 SE power amp,also runs first 5 watts in class A. The thing never even gets warm pushing 3-4 ohm load. Love the amp and its been nothing but reliable. 
Amp for PSB Stratus Gold I
  You need something with current drive, they can dip down to 4 ohms or less.   I ran them years ago with McCormack amps and was quite happy with the pairing. 
Two great recent books on music.
 Thanks for the heads up. 
The best looking speakers
 Focal Electra 1038be. Pictures don't do them justice.  They are really gorgeous, especially with the grills off. My wife even loves them. 
Anatomy of Angels--Jon Batiste Live @ Village Vanguard
 He is one of my favorite new ( to me ) artists. 
Focal for HT usage?
 At the current clearance prices for the 1038be you should give them a listen. If your amp is up to it they are awesome speakers. 
Rolling stones 100 greatest 100 albums?
 Rolling Stone. 
Who works on or upgrades/mods Merlin Audio speakers?
  What celtic66 said... 
Music Direct - Audio Hardware Seller?
  Nothing but positive experiences dealing with them for many years.