
Responses from winoguy17

Need a good preamp w remote
 Used Modwright LS100 
Unexpectedly low volume with Schiit Saga + Vidar
 Recently bought a Freya for a friends system. Even with tube stage volume is about 11 o clock before any sound comes out, around 3;00, for decent volume. Schiit said this was normal. 
Your last concert was to see who and when?
Wood Brothers last night, Palace Theater Albany. Great show! 
Plug-In Liquid Air Freshener Destroys Vinyl LP
  What about your lungs ?? 
Opinions what are the best floor standing speakers in these ranges $$??
  "  warm fuzzy crisp "  is kind of contradicting ,no? 
Ohm Super Sound Cylinder SSC-4900 initial thoughts kinda review
 Thanks for sharing. Found this quite interesting and informative. 
Barnes and Noble 50% off Vinyl Sale!!! 
Bang for the Buck
 Check out the Marantz TT 15. Nice table made by Clearaudio , comes with a good cart. all set up. Upscale Audioor Music Direct should have it. 
enjoy the music: how listening bars have hit the right note
  No, its because the Grateful Dead had plans of their own.  
enjoy the music: how listening bars have hit the right note
 Why have music at all Kenjit? Any show Ive ever gone to Ive never been able to adjust the volume or pick the playlist, but Ive had some awesome experiences. Stop chasing perfection and enjoy the music. 
Harry Nilsson
 My grandkids love The Point.! 
Harry Nilsson
 The documentary " Who is Harry Nilsson and Why is Everybody Talking About Him "  is really good if youre a Harry fan 
The Truth About Power Cords and there "Real" Price to Performance
anatomist ? 
Do any of these interest you at all? (If you had the money)(Which I don't)
 Article is over 2 years old... 
Amp for focal 1038be?
  Yes, keep us posted please!