
Responses from williewonka

What speaker cable made a major difference in the sound quality of your speakers??
KLE Innovations gZero2 were the initial wake-up call - I then tansferred these to my AV system and got the gZero6 model.I have tried their next version, but I didn't feel the the improvements attained over the gZero6 warranted the additional expen... 
Helps me with long term system development.
jbuhl  - I've gone through a few component changes over the years but the one thing I have come to respect lately is the effect great cables can have on a system containing components such the those you currently own.So I ask - what IC, power an... 
Micro seiki dql 120
RE: the rubber inside the feet - you could replace the rubber with those felt furniture feet from the dollar store - you'll be surprised how well they workIf you want something better, buy sheet of 1/10" thick sorbothane, cut it to the size of the... 
Meadowlark Ospreys.. fighting under their weight class?
GTS1 - if you gotta scratch that itch...One speaker that springs to mind and in your budget, that would work very nicely with your gear - is the Tannoy Prestige line. They can be a little difficult to source, but coupled with tube gear, will   pro... 
Meadowlark Ospreys.. fighting under their weight class?
Trust your ears!I had a pair of speakers for 30 years - why? because I could not find anything remotely close to their price range that could compete with their sound.Over the years I had them re-foamed and the crossovers rebuilt - which made them... 
Best "laid-back" speaker cable & interconnects for all Naim system?
JSbach - although I like Naim products very much, I think their cables are archaic by today's standards. (yes, I am a NAIM heratic)e.g. Their use of DIN leads was cutting edge at one time - but single ended technology using RCA's has progressed so... 
Best "laid-back" speaker cable & interconnects for all Naim system?
I have a Naim 5i mkII - and the best commercially available cables I have reviewed comes from KLE Innovations (KLEI).The gZero3 IC is very good starting point for the price, but what I consider their "best value" is the gZero20 IC (which I settled... 
Anyone experience Cala Mighty Sound Denon 103's.
You might want to ask them the mass of their various Body options just to make sure it does not effect your arms compliance.They should be in the ballpark of the various Soundsmith  optionsThe malachite does look very nice :-)Keep us posted as to ... 
Classic 3 VPI
You have probably transferred some "natural oils" during handling and now they have coated all surfaces. Powdering the belt is a temporary fix and does not address the real issue - belt slippage - you need more grip - the powder allows the belt... 
Strange classified responses
 I did have one person that asked questions about each of the details I had posted in the ad - I thought they must have been lonely and just wanted to chat - pretty weird One thing I've found that seems to reduce the number of instances of "str... 
Power cord replacement on a Node 2?
I’ve replaced power cable with great results. But I also use very good IC’s also AND I connected it via Ethernet cable to my LAN. NOTE: I also use standard IEC connectors + an adapter from Take Five Audio to fit the smaller plug required for the N... 
coupling or decoupling of vinyl to/ from platter
I had the Planar II with the 10mm glass platter - it rung like a bell - sounded awful.I also tried the sorbothane mat  and it quelled the ringing and I was happy :-)Or so I thought, but when compared to other TT's it sounded lifelessI've since ...... 
Node 2 and Yamaha AVR, go digital or analog?
I recently purchased the Node 2 and it has outperformed my Schiit Bifrost with the 4490 upgrade driven by the Musical Fidelity v-link192.Using wi-fi, I did experience a couple of dropouts playing 24/192 when the wireless router was busy. I have ... 
Should high-end shops be "OBLIGATED" to advise about component matching for best sound?
Crazyeddy - if you haven't done so - take a trip down to Hi Fi Fo Fum in Toronto.It's a great little store, with some great gear.Alas Steve the owner is not as chatty as Mike, but it's worth a trip. Call first - strange hours American Sound of Ca... 
Should high-end shops be "OBLIGATED" to advise about component matching for best sound?
Whoa there AKG - not dead yet :-)in days gone by you could actually rely on audio stores for good sound advice. (pun intended)But I guess with the abundance of choice comes ignorance and it's all about the mighty dollar, so shift that product! (1...