
Responses from williewonka

Time to upgrade the old Dual turntable, looking for opinions.
I’ll second those brands/models identified in Alpha_gt’s post - and I own a Rega!Back in 1985 when I bought my Rega Planar II - it was ahead of it’s time, great value and from a performance perspective, it challenged some of the "big names" in tur... 
Which is the Better Tonearm - Pro-Ject or Rega?
Greg - even if you don't try the Audiomods Arm - give the KLE Innovations Absolute Harmony RCA's a try on your Project 9ccThey will elevate it to a whole new level of performanceFightin words you say? Take a look at...http://image99.net/blog/files... 
Which is the Better Tonearm - Pro-Ject or Rega?
Greg - a comment on the  the Audiomods review by 6Moons - it  was completed in 2012 - Jeff (Audiomods) appears to have taken note of comments from that review - the more recent  arms now come with much better ceramic bearings :-)I have the Series ... 
Which is the Better Tonearm - Pro-Ject or Rega?
Rotarius - here's a link that explains some of the advantages of casting. Granted, it talks to steel, but wouldn't the same be true of any metal?http://www.afsinc.org/content.cfm?ItemNumber=6931One valid point about casting..."It puts the metal wh... 
Which is the Better Tonearm - Pro-Ject or Rega?
The Rega arms are cast alloy - compared to other arms they are very stiff and by comparison to other materials they are more acoustically inert - that's what makes them better than other arms.Arms that use alloy or composite tubes, are not as stif... 
Are USB-SPDIF's relevant with today's DAC USB technology?
Here's my experience with USB...- started with the Schiit Bofrost with the onboard USB port- I upgraded to the next gen USB port - which made some SQ improvements- I then installed the Musical Fidelity V-Link 192 converter - significant SQ improve... 
Have you ever tried a pair of speakers and said this Is the last thing I will ever need.
I used to live in Richmond Hill, Ontario and there were three stores that carried high end systems within a 30 minute drive.When I was bored, i’d go around to them all and try systems and speakers just to get an appreciation of how good my system ... 
Cartridge for Rega Planar 3?
Greg makes a valid point, but if the Denon DL103 is a little low on the output side, consider the Denon DL110 - another top performer. Should be a great match for the Mani, but you will need to add a spacer to increase the mass to be compatible wi... 
Cartridge for Rega Planar 3?
Mtrot - from reading your posts - you have a MM input and would like to use it.But having been down that route, I would still recommend you to consider the Schiit Mani phono stage. It is more likely to provide much better SQ and give you full MC c... 
Cartridge for Rega Planar 3?
Erichsh - .... Willie, did you have to shim your Rega arm for the Denon DL103? if you are referring to shims under the arm post to adjust the VTA...If I recall correctly, I already had shims under the arm post for the previous cartridge.It's pre... 
Cartridge for Rega Planar 3?
I’ve tried several MM carts over the years on my Rega, including one of the Rega offerings and compared to even my stock Denon DL103 MC cartridge, they paled in comparison.I switched around 5 years ago to a Denon DL103 MC cart and the improvement ... 
$500 USB cable
First - the function of the USB cable depends on what component it is plugged into.1. If the component DOES NOT utilize he power from the USB port, then all the cable is doing is passing data - better quality conductors will improve sound quality2... 
Do you find battery supplies inferior to well designed power supplies?
Battery supplies are no different from mains supplies when it comes to being able to provide sufficient "power" to handle the most demanding transient spikes.Where battery supplies tend to fail is in theri ability to deliver enough current.If they... 
interconnects vs speaker cables vs power cords - which make the biggest difference?
WRT to Power cables - I have observed  that the components in my system with the "lowest quality" power supplies tend to benefit more from a power cable upgrade than components having a higher quality power supplye.g. - my Bifrost DAC performed no... 
Should I upgrade to XLR interconnects?
SJTM - Just an FYI - a friend that had an Ayre system with balanced IC’s throughout.As an experiment, he replaced the Kimber Kable silver XLR's between the DAC and the amp with my my KLE Innovations gZero3 single ended IC’s .He found the the singl...