
Responses from whitestix

Rogue Atlas Magnum sounds bright -- any recommendations?
JohnnyR,Thanks for the encouragement.  I have talked to Rogue about an upgrade, which is affordable, but my experience with upgrading a boatload of audio gear, is that they pretty much just works around the edges and one can't get a nickel out the... 
Tidal Hifi has a very limited jazz selection
gdnrbob2,064 posts10-23-2018 2:24pmSome of the problem is that Tidal's catalog requires assiduous effort to find the albums one is looking for. You practically have to type the whole title, and then hope it is available.BAs Gbnrbob notes, I now fi... 
Rogue Atlas Magnum sounds bright -- any recommendations?
Lowrider,I have a ton of tubes with poor markings on them so I gotta get them all to my  tube tech to ID them properly and test them.  I did swap some Mullard NOS 12AX7's in the amp and they seems to take the brightness down a fair bit.  The NOS G... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
Angel,Steakster has good advice.  I think you have it backward:  e-stats are power hungry and normally benefit from powerful ss amps.  The new ML's with internally powered subs are a different kettle of fish, but normally powerful amps like the Sa... 
Rogue Atlas Magnum sounds bright -- any recommendations?
Gents,I have spoken with Mark at Rogue and he is very helpful, as you suggest.  Mechans, I hear you on the input tubes and have some nice NOS 12au7 and 12ax7 tubes to roll through the amp.  I have Cerious Technology GE IC's in my rig so I will liv... 
Rogue Atlas Magnum sounds bright -- any recommendations?
I just changed the taps from 4 ohm to 8 ohm and the music sounds very thin.  With my 11 ohm speakers, I thought this might be helpful, but it is a move in the wrong direction.  It was worth trying.  
Rogue Atlas Magnum sounds bright -- any recommendations?
Hifiman,I have the Platinum-upgraded version of the DNA .05, but when I recently heard Don Sachs' KT 88 amp, I was flummoxed... it has vastly more three-dimensional sound, no question, and a potent LF response, that did not expect in comparison to... 
Digital, Low Mass, ClassD, Less expensive, Let it happen!
I abandoned tubes amps (HK CII and CV) some years ago, but having heard a very fine 65 wpc KT88 tube amp recently driving my OB speakers with a 12 ohm impedance, I am swinging back in that direction.  Of course a tube amp is de rigueur, in my opin... 
Carver 275 Crimson tube amp --- any feedback appreciated
Ricky,Excellent point.  I have recently become aware of the implications of speakers' impedance, which can be a different aspect of performance than simply considering speakers' sensitivity/efficiency (I can never remember the difference between t... 
My first Tube Amplifier
Great thread, fun to read of others' journeys through tube gear.  My first tube amp was a Harman Kardon Citation II, which got fully renovated.  Then did the same for my HK C-V.  They sounded wonderful, but I got tired of the heat they produced he... 
Spatial Audio Hologram M4 Turbo S Speakers - A Review
Sweet!  I have smallish room and Clayton waved me off to the M3's, feeling the M4's would be more room appropriate.  If funds allow, consider the better LF response of the M3's, but Clayton will let you know the best match for your room.  Cheers, ... 
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
Tomcy6,I did speak with Carver, but it would be more informative to hear from folks who have experience with the amp in their systems.  I will report my impressions of the amp in due course so at least we can get the ball rolling.  Jim Clark tells... 
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
Don offers only one amp; the descriptors are synonymous. 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Roger and George,Thanks for the insights into the 6SN7 tubes in preamps.  I have a tube preamp that uses 4 of these tubes, along with a rectifier, and have upgraded from NOS Sylvania and GE tubes to both the Psvane CV181-T and the Shuguang CV 181-... 
Does anyone care to ask an amplifier designer a technical question? My door is open.
Roger,I recall you saying at Burning Amp a year ago that you did not like 6SN7 tubes in preamps.  I have a preamp that uses these tubes and it is the best I have ever heard in my system.  What is the problem with these tubes from a designer's stan...