
Responses from whitestix

My new VTV Audio Class D amp arrived today
Dunno about that as I did not open it up.  The build quality of his amps have been noted on forums, but Warren indicated in our discussions that these beefs have been addressed with his upgraded QC efforts.   
Aqua La Voce connection issues
Thanks Jackd,I appreciate your response.  I connected my iMac to the DAC via USB.  I sent the MR unit back to Sonore for an evaluation.   
Connectivity of an external DAC to an NAD M33 integrated amp
Thanks for the responses.  I can't imagine that the internal DAC in the $5K NAD M33 yields music as revealing as with the addition of a fine DAC, but that is just stating the obvious.  Thanks again.   
Carver Crimson 275 tube amp
flasd,What an insightful review, just excellent.  I don't hear much about this amp these days, but I do not doubt your ears.  I am very happy with my Don Sachs KT88, and personally -- and this is just me -- would not buy a tube amp without auto-bi... 
Which speakers did you find bright, fatiguing or just disappointing in some way?
Sad to see Roy Johnson trashed on this thread as I had and loved both pairs of speaker from him, the models of which I now forget.  A couple of our fellow posters all muck up each and every thread on this forum.  Of the 20 or so speakers I have ha... 
My hearing deficits are becoming clear...
Hi wsrrsw,I have not tried any sort of home ear cleaning remedy.  I will leave it to my ENT doc and his audiologist sort out.  Say, if you are in Davis, send me a PM to visit off line.  Cheers, Mark  
My hearing deficits are becoming clear...
Outstanding, and funny.  It is odd that I sense no hearing problems listening to my system, but in a lively room with lots of noise and folks talking, I am just frustrated.  Cheers.   
McCormacks -- For lovers and investors
Gents,Steve M told me that they can't source components for aging .05 amps which could be problematic for folks. I have moved to tube amps in the past few years and have a DNA .05, upgraded a few years back to their Platinum version (i.e, but for ... 
My hearing deficits are becoming clear...
Thanks to all for your helpful suggestion.  I will see my ENT and his audiologist for the next steps.  Whitestix 
My hearing deficits are becoming clear...
ericsch,Your link is very informative and a great place to start.  Thanks for sharing it.  Mark 
My hearing deficits are becoming clear...
Thanks for the input, gents, and Fuzztone makes a fine point about group gatherings, my bad, no question.  Snapsc, your suggestion is just right... I have a top notch ENT doc friend with an audiology staff to do the testing and such.  I have no pr... 
Can an “audiophile” ever be satisfied with a system?
Yes... since I got Don Sachs' tube front end, the Aqua La Voce DAC, and Spatial Audio speakers in my system.  I am extremely content with my the sound of my system.   
The most criminal practice in the speaker industry revealed!! Keep reading
Everything that kenjit thinks he knows is wrong.  I wish he'd go the way of GK.   
Dueland Cables
I used their predecessors, the vintage Western Electric 16 ga wire in my bedroom system and they were much more musical than my former Mogami cables, which were very good for little money.  I had a pair of the Dueland  IC's made and they are excel... 
What isolation feet under your amp with great result?
Oh, a further thought.  I initially used these pads nude and they left permanent blemishes on my audio rack so I clad them with self-adhering felt, which is also inexpensive and allows one to move the components more easily.