
Responses from whipsaw

What do we hear when we change the direction of a wire?
@thecarpathianThanks for the laugh! Then again, you say bubkas, I say bupkis... 
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
@akg_ca Which Cardas Clear cable are you using? There are several variations.Thanks. 
Pure analog system with high power
By the way, Bryston plus Magnepan is a marriage made in heaven. My personal experience.I was using a Bryston 4b with Magnepan Tympanis ~40 years ago! 
New and engaging rap and hip hop artists
@simao Miller has played with a long list of stars, but I’m not sure about Sting.As for Cassandra Wilson, obviously she has been around for quite a while, but is very eclectic, and some of her work crosses over for sure.Since we don’t have another... 
New and engaging rap and hip hop artists
Yes @ggoggin – agreed! And I enjoy them as well.@simao That's the combination that appeals to me most naturally. I grew up on soul and funk, and still gravitate in those directions.Along those lines, while I don't want to stray too far from the su... 
New and engaging rap and hip hop artists
Yes – super talented. I've been listening to this live concert recently:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15Nqbic6HZs 
New and engaging rap and hip hop artists
Although he wasn’t a rap artist per se, the late, excellent guitarist Ronny Jordan incorporated rap into some of his music. Check out his album The Antidote. 
3 Ingredients to a Healthy Audio Community
Claims of "virtue signaling", like "conspiracy theory", are frequently used in disingenuous attempts to avoid arguing the substance of the matter. 
3 Ingredients to a Healthy Audio Community
FWIW, you can watch the responses to this post to see who takes it seriously, who rebukes it, and who makes fun of it. That’s a big clue as to who to be on guard against and/or who to ignore or take with a grain of salt (or shot of vodka).Precisely. 
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
Sorry! No, I have used both through my relatively new Denafrips Pontus II DAC. So in that sense, the comparison is fair, as I was bypassing the Hegel DAC.This is my first stand-alone DAC, and it has spurred the temptation to upgrade other componen... 
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
the hegel h160 while a ’last gen’ piece at this point, would, imo, set a very high bar to beat in driving harbeths (it is last gen primarily in the dac section only, the amp section is still absolutely top notch)Thanks for that, and I do agree tha... 
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
@jjss49 I will. It replaced a Hegel h160, which, while not of the current generation of Hegel amps, was really quite good. Darko was using a newer, more powerful Hegel.Having only had the GATO for ~24 hours, I can safely say that to my ear it is b... 
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
Very early days, but I am getting excellent results with the combination of my 30.1 and newly acquired GATO AMP-150. 
Integrated amp recommendations for harbeth 30.2 XD
@jjss49 That is a bit unfair. Shaw has talked about why he likes Hegel:My position on Hegel is abundantly clear. It is the only hifi amp I have ever measured in my lab that has what I consider to be a proper gain structure throughout. In layman's ...