
Responses from whipsaw

Circle Labs A200 Integrated amplifier review - It will appeal to both tube and SS lovers……
Thanks for the enthusiastic review, and congrats!Here is a very interesting review of the same amp in a Polish publication:http://highfidelity.pl/@main-1033&lang=en 
why do so many discussions turn contentious?
Needless to say, the phenomenon is hardly confined to this forum. Fundamentally, most users of internet forums behave very differently than they would in person. By way of analogy, I find this brief Louis CK bit to be both on point, and very funny... 
Has anyone heard Fink Team KIM speakers?
@diamonddupreeI'll be happy to do so. The salesman who helped me is very knowledgable, and a big fan of the Marten, but also had high praise for the Kims, and characterized them as being very seductive and great fun to listen to. He said that the ... 
Has anyone heard Fink Team KIM speakers?
There have been some rave (press) reviews of the Kim. I am waiting to audition a pair, and recently auditioned a close competitor, the Marten Parker Duo.Here are links to a couple of the Kim reviews:https://www.tonepublications.com/review/review-t... 
What Amplifiers Have You Heard In Your System and What Amplifiers Will You Always Keep
Not an exhaustive list, but the highlights have been:an early Bryston 4B (powered Magnepan Tympanis)Pass Aleph 3 ( the Sea Urchin; powered Dunlavy SC-III speakers)Jeff Rowland Concentra I (one of my favorites)Accuphase 303x (recapped and upgraded;... 
What Integrated Amp do You use
I've been using a GATO AMP-150 for several months (it replaced a Hegel h160). A very nice, transparent amplifier. 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
Acoustic Zen and harmonic technology are extremely good cables that’s because they use OCC single crystal wire which is far superior to anything ofc on the market.I am definitely not a member of the Science! Police, however...If what you claim wer... 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
If you prefer Grey Poupon mustard to Safeway brand, and you can tell the difference, then by all means, get the pricier Grey Poupon...If you can't, you have a head cold! 
Felt Kuti for newbies
Yes, my recommendation of the second (i.e. Expensive...) was also removed.Needless to say, the removal of posts containing the actual names of albums is ironic, to say the least. 
As you have moved on, are there any items you remember fondly...or most fondly?
I certainly have fond memories of a system that included the original Bryston 4b, Magenpan Tympani I speakers, a Nakamichi 600 cassette deck, and B&O vertical tracking turntable. But my favorite of the classic components included in that syste... 
Speaker Cables? why all the hype for expensive speaker wire?
That's an audacious display of cheapskatery!(Just kidding.) 
Is there a point of diminished returns with amps and Harbeth 30.1s?
@jjss49 I agree.  
Is there a point of diminished returns with amps and Harbeth 30.1s?
 A straight wire with gain as Quad's Peter Walker once said. Didn't he also claim that he didn't need to listen to his amps? The measurements alone told him everything he needed to know.This is a view that most amplifier designers disagree with, n... 
Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?
I have absolutely no agenda, I simply want free speech to prevail.You don't understand how the market works. There are no free-speech guarantees on any private forums, including this one.You made numerous false claims in your initial post, so why ... 
Why do all audio forums on the internet seem "dead" ?
@constitutionalistYour above post is breathtakingly ignorant.This commentThere is NO discussion in regard to vaccines, you either get one or you are banned from the forum.suggests clearly that you have an agenda, and no interest in facts. There ar...