
Responses from whatjd

Whats on your turntable tonight?
"You'd be so nice to come home to"  Helen Merrill    
Your reference for "the absolute" sound?
When I worked in an audio business and the goal was accurate sound, but  I realized that for many consumers their basis for what they wanted their system to sound like was a jukebox.  It seems that times may have not changed much since then.  
Audiopile hyperbole, reference, SOTA, ultimate and more...
Photos with ads????
Yes, original packing is good to have, but I don't feel it is worth the first/main photo.  But perhaps the box is more important.  
Whats on your turntable tonight?
There was a time when the damn cat was the thing most often on my turntable dust cover.  
Your reference for "the absolute" sound?
edcyn, glad you mentioned the V-12 Ferrari sound.  I was lucky enough to have raced at Road America in Elhart Lake, Wi. and that sound is music to my sports car loving ears.  This has nothing to do with audio, but once at a Formula Ford and othe... 
Your reference for "the absolute" sound?
Whoops, bass, not base.  A constant reminder of my not paying attention in grade school.  
If you need a 2nd system or one for a college dorm room...a suggestion.
Ah yes, the original Advent speakers, what a wonderful influence on the growth of accurate sound Mr. Kloss designed.  
Audiopile hyperbole, reference, SOTA, ultimate and more...
Perhaps, for the rock trivia fans:  "only used by a little old lady to listen to Beach Boy albums after driving her super stock Doge back from a Sunday service in Pasadena" 
The Golden era of Japanese integrated amps, are we missing out?
I don't know how they sounded after time passing, but I had the Yamaha CA-1000 and one of the Sony FET Integrated amps and both were excellent in their day.  Used them to drive Large Advents Dahlquist DQ-10 and ESS AMT-1.  
Whatever happened to the "Wanted" ad section?
If I am remembering correctly, the 'WANTED" ads were at no charge?  It is more of a question, but if they were not charged for, then I can see why a for profit site would no longer have them.   
Whatever happened to the "Wanted" ad section?
So I guess my wanting a wanted section is not wanted?  Sounds like some of my relationships.  
Audiopile hyperbole, reference, SOTA, ultimate and more...
Or,...will take it to "the next level".  
What were some of your early Hi-End audio gear/influences?
I remember when Yamaha became one of the first line of Japanese made electronics that became accepted by many "audiophiles".   The B-1 and B-2 were very interesting in their day.  
Audiopile hyperbole, reference, SOTA, ultimate and more...
.........and, the speakers "play much larger/bigger than they are"  And the ever present, or perhaps not present..."transparent"