
Responses from whatjd

Speakers for Magnum Dynalab MD208?
the MD-208 is a modern classic. 
Items for sale here and on ebay without remotes....
That is interesting.  I worked in the Audio industry and my friends are mostly audiophiles.  I worked at a high end audio store (audio research,. etc.) and never ordered a replacement remote for a customer.  Would be good to hear from a manufactur... 
Is Larry Zurowski still in charge at Magnum Dynalab?
Yes, he wanted to charge me for shipping the fuse. 
Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
I believe i ment to say  most, but being moist isn't always a bad thing. 
Where do I start-amp or speakers ?
A wise saying is "begin with the end in mind".  So purchase items that will add up to the system you want, even though with moist of us that  can be a moving target. 
SACD vs. Blu-Ray for audio quality/sonics
AudiogoN members continue to be much of a light for knowledge.  Thanks, Jim 
SACD vs. Blu-Ray for audio quality/sonics
Thank you for response and insight.  Jim 
For a second system I have been thinking of the Marantz Arch.
try using google, it can help answer many questions. 
For a second system I have been thinking of the Marantz Arch.
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
joey_v, you need to read your own post to find the fault in it.   
Has anyone made the jump to $uper High end and were disappointed?
No regrets from my higher end Hi-Fi experences/purchases.   
what speakers to buy
I have been lucky enough to own many very good ones.  My listening bias is towards acoustic Jazz and female vocals.  I have had the most pleasure from the top Magnepans.  If you are more into rock, esp. at high volumes then the Maggies may not be ... 
Disappointed w/ Klipsch Heresy III. Now what?
If you listen to Jazz and good acoustic music, Magnepans.  
CD changer
Thanks for the suggestions.  I have been thinking of the Onkyo with an external DAC. 
Planning your Total eclipse party? Avoid being a human Sacrifice!
Well, as usual, I flew my Learjet up to Nova Scotia.