
Responses from whatjd

Are analog, non-compressed, FM stations a thing of the past?
People have asked as to what the ____ does Whatjd stand for.  In the Firesign Theater cut, Nick Danger, Third Eye, a reoccurring joke is the main female being named Nancy (what)...it was re-created in the Mel Brooks film, Young Frankenstein, where... 
Are analog, non-compressed, FM stations a thing of the past?
Thanks.  I am looking into the Bluesound.   
Are analog, non-compressed, FM stations a thing of the past?
Thanks again for the interest and for your time.  lowrider57I am not familiar with Bluesound Node, can you fill me in? 
Are analog, non-compressed, FM stations a thing of the past?
In my prime listening time I had a directional outdoor antenna from Winegard with a rotor.  While living in Madison, Wi. I was able to get Milwaukee stations and on occasion stations from Chicago...but not very often.  I have used indoor antennas ... 
Headphones? I could use your experience/thoughts.
Again, thanks to all of you for your time and consideration.  J.D.  
Headphones? I could use your experience/thoughts.
Thanks for the responses.  I missed where any post said he was deaf.  But he did die in 2015. 
Headphones? I could use your experience/thoughts.
Mr. Grado died in 2015 
Suggestions on a decent FM tuner with a variable headphone output?
Thanks for your suggestions.  
Suggestions on a decent FM tuner with a variable headphone output?
I had one with a fixed and a variable output the variable one also controlled the headphone output...and I am trying to remember what it was.  I know it was none of the Magnums I had. 
Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...
soundsrealaudio570 posts You are so right, the CJ ART, Audio Research, Classe, Magnepan, Martin Logan, Magnum Dynalab, and other gear that I own  are an obvious sign that I cannot afford gear. 
Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...
Most ads say best offer if someone wants something they will make on offer.Hello!!Actually a Buyer will just move on to something more sanely priced. Hello!! R  
Do people really just not get it that their items are not selling...
"Most ads say best offer if someone wants something they will make on offer.Hello!!"Not true, they will just move on to one that is priced properly....Hello!! R  
best preamps
Original Conrad-Johnson ART 
For those of us over 60..
The Beatles.  
Headphones? I could use your experience/thoughts.
Thanks to all for your thoughts.  I will be using them with a Magnum MD-208 and maybe a small Nakamichi system   I listen mainly to classic Jazz and female vocals (standards/Jazz).