
Responses from whatjd

Usless but interesting ....how many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?
I was at the CES show in Chicago the year Henry brought the original VideoBeam TV.  We watched a large format tape of Blazing Sadles on it at the Drake Hotel and if I remember drinking some very basic wine.  A good time.  Meet Saul Marantz there o... 
The Tell-Tail Heart ....the Audio Version
Actually in having owned most of the high end brands and some B&O I simply thought the B&O looked good but sounded rather mid-fi.  
Your memory of Audio Marketing, esp. B.S.
koestner328 posts Perhaps we can start a trend in marketing gear with"analog ready"..................? 
Your memory of Audio Marketing, esp. B.S.
Yes, the JBL ad for the L-100 seemed to be aimed at what became the "Head Banger"....."accurate or not, they can play loud as Hell". 
Usless but interesting ....how many of you old timers started with original Large Advents?
Although the were of different technology, the Large Advents were followed by the DQ-10, then various Martin-Logan and Magnepan models.  I have been too stable in my gear for the past decade.  The pursuit of the high-end seems to be similiar to my... 
Your memory of Audio Marketing, esp. B.S.
"Pure, Perfect Sound Forever" -Philips Report this Wait, you mean this isn't true......gosh, that changes everything, too bad I sold my SOTA 8-track player. 
Items for sale without remotes.
Duracell, you mean "the copper top battery".  Wow was the world ever that simple minded that your main push on marketing a battery was the color on the upper side of the battery.  I guess Audio Research should have marketed their early items as th... 
Items for sale without remotes.
I once tried to invent a remote that would work on your mate, but only two functions.....volume and mute.  It never got into production but I did get a good amount from  a company for the idea.   
Your first system and your journey...
Yes, I was at first pumping gas, repairing tires..etc.  Then I got a job at a high-end mens clothing store.  By the time of my senior year I was taking one 7:30 class, working full time, wearing great clothes and driving a one year old GTO...a gre... 
Items for sale without remotes.
I would think your depth of thought would allow you to sleep in peace thinking of sugar plums....etc.  
Items for sale without remotes.
An interesting thread as a "heads up" about missing remotes being taken by some as a personal attack on themselves and thier "remotes" status.   It would seem that doing reasearch on all threads and all replies for a book on the human condition as... 
Items for sale without remotes.
As far as my ownership and selling of the NYC island, I was thinking of some beads and trinkets. 
Items for sale without remotes.
Ahh...got to love the "remote possibilities" thought..., or is that lack of thought? I am so confused. I am sure there are honest elected officials that could straighten me out. Ouch, somtimes when I put my "tounge in cheek" I end up biting it. 
Your first system and your journey...
Many of us that served in the military during the Vietnam War, whoops-I'm sorry....conflict, bought Japanese electronics while in Southeast Asia.   A great number of Sansui and Kenwood units....pre cd so turntables and most of the Japanese speaker... 
Your first system and your journey...
And to add a bit of nothing to my original post, one of my best friends Mom had a truck stop/diner near a small Iowa town.  She would let us use the quarters with the fingernail polish on them (so she would get them back) to play early 60s rock un...