Responses from whatjd
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?.... This may not be much, but for other/secondary FM use, the Nakamichi Soundspace 5 radio is super for what it is and for the used prices it seems to bring...and for a bit more in a secondary use, the Nakamichi SR-3 receiver is an early, Nelson Pass ... | |
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?.... This Jazz station is good and online. https://www.kcck.org/ | |
Modern Architecture/Modern Furniture/Modern Audio System...to share? I know some have, but I have not do not know the way to do so. A good question for whomever is on staff. | |
Streaming? I know nothing about it, questions as to sound. Thanks, your answers go directly to the point. Take care, Jim | |
O.K., the other end of your personal experience Yes, the Zero-100 was such a marketing success...but it's only success. | |
Do any still use an older high end tuner from the past?.... tubegb makes an excellent point. I have a college classical station and a tech college mainly Jazz/some classical and all the other stations are mainly this country/rock/mainstream mix of "bar" music. For all the pleasure that exist in good a... | |
O.K., the other end of your personal experience elliottbnewcombjr Sorry to hear about the invasion and loss of items and feelings. I had a very nice high-end car system stolen out of a nice car I had. The worst part was not the loss of the audio system, but the extensive damage that was ... | |
Any experience with Martin Logan Motion Series? If so, what do you think? Thank you and I will do so. I have been a member on this site since the beginning with Arnie, so I logically looked here through good habit. | |
O.K., I know some of old audiophiles can have a golden glow to our memories...that said, I understand all to well. My two sons have grown up with, as much as I could afford, the best....meals, schools, cars..etc. I gave them both decent stereo systems when they were in High School. They both have passions for some things, but the ... | |
O.K., I know some of old audiophiles can have a golden glow to our memories...that said, Perhaps it is just an old f____ memory, but I liked my Classe Tuner 1 a great deal. | |
How to greatly appreciate AudiogoN.... My best laps were at Road America. | |
O.K., I know some of old audiophiles can have a golden glow to our memories...that said, https://www.google.com/search?sxsrf=ALeKk00wp8lvkRzUb0pyj6uDMsphzULK1w:1584027324086&q=classe+tuner+1+images&tbm=isch&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi7pt3PoZXoAhUFF6wKHec7DIQQsAR6BAgKEAE | |
Your experience with great Jazz guitar CD/SACD discs. Thanks to all for your experience/thoughts. | |
The shams, scams and dead ends of the High Fidelity hobbie/passion/adiction djones51, your post has me concerned. Are you saying my 8-track, Thunderlizard 3000 radio/cd player and blender is no longer SOTA? I may have to lay down. | |
Your reference system? I have had a few that I liked a great deal, but the one with Magnepan MG-20, CJ-ART Pre, Classe Power and ARc cd player, Magnum Dynalab Tuner was one that gave me much pleasure...all Wireworld Gold Eclipse cables/interconnects. At the time I also ... |