
Responses from whatjd

What/who do you listen to that you feel is a bit of an unknown?
gonetotc11 posts thanks for the input and suggestions.  I have learned much about artists new to me from A'gon members.   
Old favorites that you still play and still "feel".
the Hartman-Coletrane is one of the high points of America's Jazz history.  
Old favorites that you still play and still "feel".
Thanks for the input.  A wonderful thing about music and this site is the new roads to drive down.  
What are the sexiest components ever made?
jameswei870 posts That Empire turntable was my first hifi lust.  I never owned one, but it had a look that said, "class".  
What/who do you listen to that you feel is a bit of an unknown?
Julia Fordham  
What are the sexiest components ever made?
In its price range and function, the Magnum Dynalab 208 Receiver is a good looking piece of very functional modern audio art.  I have been lucky enough to have some good and good lucking items...the MD-208 and original C.J. ART are my picks for bo... 
What are the sexiest components ever made?
In its day, the Pioneer PD-65 was a sexy looking early higher end CD player. And, again in their way, every Magnepan and Martin Logan ESL I had got plenty of good remarks on looks. I must admit most of my early Magnepans with dates they did think ... 
What are the sexiest components ever made?
In my early audio/high end days, my Yamaha YP-800 direct drive with and ADC XLM III seemed pretty damned sexy, of course my early days of good inexpensive Bordeaux my have influenced my pleasure.  
What/who do you listen to that you feel is a bit of an unknown?
tgrisham , Since I own every John Klemmer CD ever made and had them on records before, I should qualify.  My younger brother had seem Mr. Klemmer live a few times.  Flim and the BBs, yes and from the early days in Madison, Wi.  Free Hot Lunch.  
Rosenut..........is that a big Pete Rose fan?
Well, of course you are right.  But it doesn't take a "War of the World's" to show that.  
What are the sexiest components ever made?
Oh come on now, we all know that any "truly sexy" audio gear ever made was all from Heathkit or Radio Shack and my parents Airline Stereo was SOTA.  
Magnum Dynalab MD-208 Receiver vs. newer MD-209 Receiver
Thank you for the links, all very helpful.  Now can you help me with a well kept bottle of '89 or '90 First Growth Bordeaux or perhaps a good vintage of Tertre Roteboeuf.............or maybe a Miller Lite (or is that Light?)    
Damn, what a joy to have good College FM stations.
Thanks to all.  Kind of like having new music ammunition.   
Damn, what a joy to have good College FM stations.
David, you are correct.  From the biggest Maggies to ARC and more, I have gotten the most time and pleasure out of some college FM stations.  I am always reminded of the movie "Radio Days" .  Although Woody has had his problems, that film always m... 
What are the DACs that use good circuits in the Audio sections?
To make it a bit more clear, I am not talking of Chips/etc. in the units other operating parts, but in the audio signal path...what you hear, not what makes the display work.