

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
@alaskaman You presented me with a real dilemma this morning. I can’t decide which of your quotes to print out, frame, and hang on the wall.  
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@phd  "If you add an after-market power cord to a component and it makes a positive improvement, then a conspiracy theory is not evident." Okay, then.  Case closed?  
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@rodman99999  Smart.  Relevant.  Thanks for sharing.  
One of the great things about Vinyl
@edcyn  "You must lift the vinyl off of the platter, taking into account the sometimes goodly amount of static electricity that has built up between the vinyl and the platter in the meantime." This used to make my hair stand on end.  It wasn't u... 
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
So glad to see so many "fossil units" join in on this discussion.  Every time I get around my early-twenties grandson, the 2nd question I ask is: "Have you heard any good music lately?"  I make good notes (no pun intended) in my notes app and do a... 
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
@jcoehler .  Noted.  And, thank you.  
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
@ebm "This thread says absolutely NOTHING!!!" Okay then, let me take a another whack at it. Someone with extensive experience with high performance audio, ventures into the world of the "unknown" and installs something NEW in his system. He le... 
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
@ghdprentice  In my younger days, I could go to the drag strip and differentiate the burnt exhaust smell of nitro, alcohol, or high octane pump gas.  Does that count?  
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
An item of interest might be "monogenre-ism" vs "multigenre-ism"? Which is my way of asking how broad is the musical interest of an individual, or group? One CAN be a Mozart fan.  AND, an Elvis fan.  AND, a Beatles fan.  There are no conflicts he... 
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
A couple of reasons we might stop listening to new music could be that your ex(es) left, took anything (and, everything) that could be flipped for cash, and the most musically satisfying device in your current possession is an LG sound bar. And, y... 
Incredible improvement in sound quality
I've heard that if you just squeeze in a few drops of high quality record-cleaning solution and vacuum it out ....  
More Cowbell
Laughter is an involuntary protest to the absurd, ridiculous.   That's why this is still funny after all these years.  
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
Okay, so Ray got up one fine morning, took a peek out the window, then retrieved the current copy of Billboard magazine from the mailbox and returned to his most favorite chair with a nice cup of coffee. It was then he discovered the growing popul... 
Ray Charles - "Rap is not music"
Was Big Bad John by Jimmy Dean the first rap song? (asking for a friend)  
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
@edcyn Excellent points. I like your train of thought. These are personal questions, so I’ll do my best keep my comments relative to the subject. I played guitar and keyboard, and wasn’t very good at either one. I developed a fond admiration fo...