

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@wsrrsw @oldrooney @whitestix You guys are a hoot! Thanks for taking the time to read (the ENTIRE) article and not taking it too seriously. Boiling the water in preparation for oatmeal as we speak (write?). Not saying what else is going in it ... 
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@dill  "waytoomanywords" I tried eliminating the words "audiophile", "power", and "cord" from the post. It reduced the number of words significantly, but did loose a little context.  
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@bruce19  I couldn't have said it better myself.  No, really, I couldn't have.  Well (and briefly) worded.    
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@mastering92  Noted.  On my "todo" list. Thanks for sharing.  
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@mastering92 @kota1  Totally agree with you guys on "power conditioners".  I have a heavily modified RGPC conditioner/distributor in my system.  (And, some pretty decent cables plugged into it).    
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
Yes, it was a little long.  When I start writing about HP hand-held calculators and Radio SPL meters, I just can't control my enthusiasm. My wife tried to warn me this would happen.  
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@nonoise  Glad you enjoyed the post. So, I'm curious.  What part was your favorite?  
What to listen for?
When playing the album The Big Sounds of the Drags, my system system can reveal the differences between Hooker headers and Hedman headers.  I'm not quite there yet on Quadrajet vs Holley carburetors, but I'm hoping some minor "tweaks" will get me ... 
Educate me about DSD
Informative!! All this time I thought it was a primitive version of LSD.  
How does a speaker blow out?
@mikedc "Speakers are approximately 15 years old and this has happened before and I have replaced the woofers." It appears that you may not be getting what you want/need out of the current setup? Woofers typically last 30+ years, so they do not... 
New Synergistic Master Fuse
@coralkong  +1  
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
@bdp24  As I've stated before, my daily search for intelligent life often begins on this forum. Thanks for not disappointing.  
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
Memorable moment from the Homer & Jethro Live at the Country Club album: (after playing opening song) Homer: "We only know two songs, and always play one of them first. Which one should we do next?" Jethro: "Let’s do the other’n" Genuinely... 
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time
@bhagal I conducted a quick poll of my rowdy friends and ex’s that live in Texas and they disagree with you. Oh, yeah, they said to "take your opinion and shove it!"    
Sensitivity 86 v 90
"would the decreased efficiency be a concern? " Short answer: "probably not". In fact, the possibility exists that the new speakers will play louder. Not knowing what the new (or existing) speakers are, I’m going to render a guess and predict th...