

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@jmkrajnik  "This has been a fun conversation." That was the intent when this topic wss introduced. I enjoyed reading your comments.   Thanks for your contribution.  
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
@prof @ozzy @dabel Thanks for the nudge to move in the brevity direction. As a direct result of your input, I taken the following actions: Replaced the premium power cord on my iMac with the standard OEM. It has decreased the dynamics of my wr... 
Enough of this bickering! Lets just Make Audio Great Again!  
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
Ozzy, I'm working on brevity.  It's a work in progress.  
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
@prof I enjoyed reading your well-founded comments and considerations. While I am a strong advocate of premium cables (I didn’t just drink the KoolAide, I chugged the entire pitcher), I can support your argument that highly satisfying musical r... 
What is your experience with amp power?
Okay. The OP is asking for experience with amp power, so here’s one. About 10 years ago, my "rig" was running an amp with just north of 100wpc. We serviced equipment full time, also providing performance upgrades. After "hot rodding" an amp with ... 
Are you running the sound through your Paragraphic Frequalizer? If not, your listening tests are invalid. Sorry.  
"Treat your room, even if you need to divorce your spouse." Divorce is like winning the lottery -- in reverse!! I did notice the noise floor lowered quite a bit when we separated.    
AUDIO SCIENCE REVIEW and $50 to spend.........
A lot of mental confetti being tossed around here. Valentines Day.  Zip ties. Nah, not going to go there.  
Better story teller than Edmund Fitzgerald?
It's pretty hard to listen to Edmund Fitzgerald without getting emotional.  We like to camp in the Great Lakes area and recently spent some time in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.  Yes, we camped in Christmas, Michigan.  After visiting the area, and t... 
LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus
Loudest major concert. Def Leopard Loudest musical event: Sitting a short distance away from the bass amp at a blues club in Chicago.  I was desperately trying to poke anything in my ears I could find.  Didn't have a cell phone back then, but if ... 
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
@westcoastaudiophile Good questions. I intentionally put the word "audiophile" in parenthesis to indicate an informal reference. "Premium", "well-built", etc would fall into a class of cables of interest to "audiophiles". I am not aware of any ca... 
The Mood Was Ruined
@mahler123  "It was like having great sex and then having the husband knock on the bedroom door with the stock of his shotgun." I enjoy cutting and pasting quotes from the forums for future reference.  Sometimes for the wrong reasons.  
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
More thoughts: I agree with a poster that mentioned that product development is mostly "trial and error." The "Hey, lets try THIS and see what happens" may be a common occurrence. So, it sounds better. Now what? Then the task of objective assignm... 
Why Are We Breaking Our Brains?
Quick story, I’ve been involved in speaker upgrades for many years. After retirement as an audio dealer, my tech of 25 years and I work one day a week trying to keep good, but broken hifi gear from going into the dumpster. We also offer performan...