

Responses from waytoomuchstuff

Are audiophile products designed to initially impress then fatigue to make you upgrade?
This topic reminds me of the time my granddaughter asked: "Grampa, why do you spend so much time working on your old cars?" Me: "Because I'm always fixing things that aren't broken."  
Good old days
@rvpiano Good topic. And, comments. I have found that my scale of "critical listening" is environmental and/or task related. I am grateful when some reasonable fascilime of a musical experience is available where I am. Having music present is, ... 
Bose 901 VI flat?
@jonicurn There was something that attached you to these speakers at some point. Only YOU know what that is. We service vintage audio gear and have had many 901s and/or associated gear come into our shop. Typically the owners are VERY happy with... 
Worth fixing?
@qialah  I like @vinylvin 's suggestion to try cleaning the contacts.  A zero cost approach to the problem is a good starting point. Only YOU know the sentimental value of this unit.  I spend one day a week with my tech of 25 years doing exactly... 
Bose 901 VI flat?
YIf you finally got your dream speakers keep them! i’d get rid of the Sony receiver. Not being able to use the Bose EQ is a deal breaker. The onboard “toys” destroy definition and and crush dynamic range. The 901s don’t stand a chance to sound li... 
How to test speaker cables by ChatGPT
ChatGPT2023: “measure your cables, etc.” ChatGPT 2033: “I find your music boring and redundant. You’re not getting enough exercise. I’m powering down your smart outlets now.”  
Seriously though, maybe the best tweak is exercise?
Staying in good health may not improve your listening experience, but it’s been proven that you’ll be listening for awhile longer.  
Paul McGowan gets asked about rotary subs.
I’ve tried to install subs in a Mazda RX7 (rotary engine). It’s darn near impossible!  
un-becoming an audiophile
I like erik’s suggestion of studying music history.  Focusing on the music and not the system seems like a sane approach to the problem. i remember reading The History and Culturre of Drag Racing.  Aftewards when doing a smoky burnout I was able ... 
Fee for home audition
@gents  “you might not be anything more than a wishful tire kicking twit.“ it may have been an oversight, but it looks like you may have missed “doddering dunderhead?”    
Does Hearing Loss Disqualify Me from Audiophiledom?
@carlsbad "Go to costco and get a pair of the current Phillips hearing aids fitted to you. they will flatten out the frequency response and levelize your ears. " Thanks for the tip. I’ll try to remember this the next time I go to Costco for an ... 
Solid copper or stranded copper for speaker cables? What is your choice and why?
@lanx0003  As some has suggested, listening at home is the ultimate test.  Just keep in mind that if you have an old version of a cable, it not necessarily a valid representation of current offerings by that manufacturer.  See what's new, and giv... 
Fee for home audition
@svenjosh "He wants to charge 5% for home demo. Is this the industry standard? I am not meaning to disparage anyone so not going to name the dealer. I am just trying to see what the standard practice is." Tossing a question out there in an open... 
An interesting experience with power cable.
@samureyex  Thanks for sharing your observations, and congratulations on your sonic upgrades. Making the connection to your DAC with low (or, no) expectations, and achieving immediate and noticable benefits is not surprising.  It also proves, on... 
what are your top "audio bargins" in your system history?
I have a friend who was visiting another out-of-town friend and noticed he was propping up his garage door to get more ventilation with a shiny metal object.  Upon closer inspection, it was discovered it was a McIntosh amplifier chassis.  When the...