

Responses from veroman

Novice looking for advice
lotsa great stuff for sale here used... demo everything you can but i rarely buy new unless firesale priced. if you have the $ it is your call tho. why macintosh is one question... and as noted, do you really think seperates is wise as a beginner?... 
sub woofer efficiency
these 2 efficiency ratings have nothing to do with each other. audiokinesis is correct unless you buy a sub without an amp, which is not easy in todays market. any sub with enuf guts will work, finding a 'musical' sub is just jargon for finding on... 
Moderate floorstanders for medium room
my old favorite is the meadowlark kestral 2. had to sell my beloved pair but they are everything you could ask for... find some on agon and grab them, they have transmission line loaded design and are gorgeously finished and stunning ly unusual to... 
matching speaker to room size?
my opinion only... this whole question of picking a certain size or design of speaker based on room size is silly. unless you are in a booth or a cathedral all sorts of diff types, sizes may float your boat. nearly all spkrs should be a couple ft ... 
White noise
i saw both in concert and i doubt they will harm your gear. 
Most agreed upon best speaker?
anybody but tom delay from tx. ... sam elliot perhaps? 
Great Sub for NHT Classic Threes?
does not nht make a sub? as they are going out of biz i bet u could steal one. i hope that you have a big enough room to really get anything out of a sub. 18 ft. is fine but 10 ft might get boomy. u put a sub in there and u best treat the corners ... 
which is your favorite inexpensive stereo system?
all good picks...fwiw...i think you should splurge on used spkrs at this level. electronics are not gonna be much different to this friend imo. oppo is a good call as they are universal but you trade off on redbook cds as oppo does not have as goo... 
Frequency Range - Bookshelf Speakers
much of this depends on room size and musical genre. imo using l/r monitors that on their own can't do a pretty good job on fairly deep bass, say @50 hz is not logical. depending on who you rely on for info, most bass is non directional below @150... 
How do you train your ears?
i just sat 8th row center and heard andre watts play rachmaninov 2 concerto with symphony. i never felt lacking in ear training as i sat there with tears in my eyes. if you 'get' music... dont fret the rest unless you want to write ads, then just ... 
“Real” bass vs. “Boom” — how do you know which?
agree with samhar and others... spl meter and test cd. even still you just may find you prefer a bass hump or roll off in certain range. flat response does not appeal to many listeners truth be told. corners are always bass problem areas so..treat... 
Help Finding my system bright...
get an earwax removal kit... go to the source. 
This funny
welcome to the world of diminishing returns... the post about crimp on terminal exposes the truth behind so much of this ultra hi end gear! also the post about tweeters is right on, so little music is contained in those octaves it is ludirous how ... 
Can someone describe the sound of KEF IQ30's ?
as you own a damaged? pair now i can see why this would be on your mind. the noise you describe leads me to think you may have fried these. is it in both spkrs? nht is closing shop so you could get a great deal now ... . fwiw, people here seam to ... 
Can someone describe the sound of KEF IQ30's ?
hesitant to buy used speakers, hmmmmmmmmmm. you might want to post a thread here and ask what other a goners say about this. if you trust this membership to recommend spkrs you may as well trust them with this question. you may one day realize the...