

Responses from veroman

Do you pull A/C plugs during thunder storms?
i too live in Fl. on coast, i just make sure my gear is off. it lightenings here everyday for 5 mos. and i would never leave my house if i was that worried. if it is REALLY close and i am home i consider it, but by then it is probably too late.goo... 
What are best hi efficiency speakers under $1000?
how many wpc is the luxman? how loud do you listen and what do you listen to? how big is your space? hi eff. means a lotta different things depending on who you ask. Tvad is right, many speakers sound like crap with tubes so... unless of course yo... 
OK to use spades in bare wire terminal?
i did the squash the spade for years, but i must concur, a hi quality flexible pin is made just for what you describe. plus it makes a much cleaner job and unlike the spade connection does not loosen up over time and movement of cable. if you do n... 
speaker recommendations?
chuck, hate to repeat myself...but, you really should find a pro and have a good conversation with him before you start stuffing speakers into that space. it will save you tons of wasted time and $. dont be embarrased to talk to dealers in the kno... 
speaker recommendations?
whats up chuck? if you go analog and are serious you better cough up some coin for hi quality speakers or you won't get the benefit of the analog end of it. (assuming you are not buying a technics tt and a 40$ cartridge). you have a tiny space and... 
Speaker recomendations plz?
concur with undertow post. go to big box store and take some home. also used nht, cerwin vega and paradigm are wellsuited to your specs. such a small rom will not handle deep bass anyway and low bass weill be reenforced by walls. polk has an owner... 
Speakers opinions
prima, how many euros can you afford? anche, que tipo de musica? 
Best used floorstanding / full range around $1000
check out the used meadowlark ospreys here on agon. perhaps a little pricey for you but great speakers. you just missed, maybe, a killer deal on a 'new' set of smaller brothers called sheerwaters by same co. here on agon. that listing says sale pe... 
Best Cheap Speakers - New or Old
as for vintage, my ole' 2 way jbl's from college. 10" woofer and 1" soft tweeter. front ported. forgot the model but paid $400 in early 80's. the old polks were good too.the little nht's from a few yrs back. sealed design. they rocked for leas tha... 
New System Recommendation?
what is your budget. considered tubes? how loud do you listen. towers or monitors. subs? treat the room first or simultaneously. don't listen to specific advice yet, no one knows your tastes and there is no perfect system or we all would have it b... 
Seeking Warm Towers - under $1500.
vocals and blues and a warm rich natural sound? hmmmm, consider tube amps, they will make most speakers 'warm up' in the mids quite wonderfully. sounds like what you want is really something that knocks the 'dry edges' off of digital recordings in... 
What is under $5k speaker with best bass slam?
count me down with the quality sub addition. hz. range can be tailored to whatever program you play and volume as well. it's practical in size, purpose and cost. otherwise you are getting into the hearing range of music that is extremly a personal... 
The vicissitudes of listening to classical music
lemme get this straight... you want quality sound with symphonic digital recordings and you can spend $1500? ditch the toys and get an oppo cdp, affordable int tube amp, and see what you get then. if it still sucks, get some better speakers. i am ... 
Whats the best $1000 speakers
consider a single driver system and a tube amp for this vocal midrange material. or a 2 way with a gentle crossover slope per driver. from what i read about single driver designs they are perfect fit. as a tubie i think it is a natural fit as midr... 
Help me choose which speakers to buy
NHT used. just about any of their small monitors is a tight little fast speaker with beautiful lacquer finish on many. fwiw, you really should listen to a number of different types. with $200 more you could really take a big jump if you do some ho...