

Responses from veroman

Advice about what to do with not-needed tubes?
put them on your dresser and glance at them every time you pass, it works for me. i also put some in a box in the garage, this is also a good approach. 
Is 50 wpc SS NAD enough to power Spendor SP1?
I'll take that Johnny...I owned various nad amps and i liked most of them. My point is simply that an 87 db speaker and a 50 watt amp is not the greatest match out of the gate. Thats why i recommended the same approach as you, up the power of the ... 
Is 50 wpc SS NAD enough to power Spendor SP1?
if these are rated at 87db i would think you need more juice, in whatever brand you choose. obviously nad is more affordable so perhaps a larger nad would do. 
My stereo isn't doing it for me. Need advice
Zd542 That might be true, but its still speculation. I could argue (successfully), that the problem may lie elsewhere. Unless someone has access to the OP's system and room, we can only guess as to what the problem is. Getting good sound is a hand... 
"Warm Sounding" Solid State Amplifiers
maintenance factor for tubes? what is that? they last for a damn long time. 
My stereo isn't doing it for me. Need advice
blaming a 500$ cd player is ludicrous. it is the room folks. beyond that the source is foremost. are they next generation cd's? redbook is very hard to get right unless the recording was primo, which many can be 
Most enjoyable speaker you heard under $800??
paradigm 2 ways for @800. forget the number, smallish bookshelfs. 
My stereo isn't doing it for me. Need advice
a hindu sage was confronted by a man who said his meager budget forced him to live above a noisy garage and he had trouble meditating, the sage asked his students to submit a solution. they all got it wrong. finally the sage said to the man in que... 
Budget Chinese Tube amps - any good?
old thread but....i bought an appj amp on amazon for 220. el84 tubes, i rolled them all. with a 96 db full range driver they are marvelous. so i guess i am lucky or have no sense of good sound. 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
Rebbi, I have 2 sets of audio nirvana speakers. The classic 8 and the 12', both with the basic magnets. the first boxes i had made at a car stero shop as they make boxes for cars anyway. they turned out great. the second boxes i had made by the gu... 
High value, high efficiency speakers for SET amps
Check out common sense audio. they offer their own line of full range drivers (audio nirvana) with many options along with lowther drivers. I listen to a pair of 12in full range drivers(audio nirvana) with a 3.5 wpc amp and they are gorgeous. They... 
Rock and roll speakers?
Interesting thread. I think the element being not mentioned enough is that rock n roll is usually played loud and is not that sonically nuanced. Much is electric and the drums are simpler and less sophisticated. Taking this into account a listener... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
debussy and ravel. 
Single driver speakers without the pitfalls?
interesting remarks. i built 2 sets with audio nirvana drivers. an 8 in and a 12 inch. in my humble opinion the laCK bass below 38hz on the 12's is hardly an issue as the mids and, yes!, the highs are incredible. even the 8's did well into the mid... 
Most achingly-beautiful music
almost anything by ravel, devussy and rach's 2nd.