
Responses from usblues

Help please choosing AMP wattage for a newbe
Well said Stan...... 
Please recommend hearing protection
Now that this thread is about done,I'd like to mention in a pinch,you can take the filters off a cigarette,strip off the paper and stuff the padding in your ear.Good luck,Bob 
History on ohm A's and F's.
Kirk's not dead?Have you seen those commercials?Same voice,definately not the same body.They must of not shown that episode where you live where he...........can't remember chipset isn't working properly.To be continued...... 
History on ohm A's and F's.
Even Spock???Surely you jest......don't call me Surely.Those Ohm from the 70's,forget the model was magnificent,cheers,Bob 
High Quality Fuses in Amps
I see S has been running around with the TOP cats agin...lookout!Sorry for the jack,buy and try 451,you can't go wrong.Definately maybe,good luck,were all in this together,Bob 
best loudspeakers for full Gryphon system
Thats a perfect size room for the Merlin Bobby,he has good idea's,good luck,Bob 
Why do dealers do this?
Was it Henry the 8th or Shakespeare or said" First,lets kill all the lawyers and politicians?"Some of you girls/boys would believe Mc Cain if he said he was black and Obama if he said he will cure cancer.Never underestimate the power of denial.Now... 
Vandersteen 5A
Got to be the best move a man can make,Jersey to the desert.I'll bet you dont care if that woofer stays gone till 09.Jerome,Sabino Canyon,Mt Lemon,the Gem Show in Tucson will be coming soon.Enjoy,Bob 
TRELJA in Denver - 2008
Great report.I feel like I was there....thanks alot,Bob 
bias Classic 60, Audio Research
I'll bet you the pink slip you don't have a meter so the best advice I can give is take it to a local shop.Which is not to say the first poster can't walk you through it,which is a nice move on his part.Good luck,were all in this together,Bob 
High end Audio for ladies? Check this out
As the number is in my town,I just called and talked with Anna a lady who has a lovely voice.No public store,but better than no nothing I'm sure.I hope they evolve though of course,they'll never compare to the stooges.Maybe if they hire Judy Tenud... 
Audio Research SD135 vs 100.2
I have no knowledge of their sonic attributes.I do know I have contacted sellers and everytime they are already sold as you say.Going price is 1900 for the 100.2,what is it for the SD135? 
Service my Belles
If David Belles is in his 60's or 70's,[I have no idea],he's not running anything.Life is running him.I am sorry to hear of your experience and I would be pissed too,except try to remember,at that age your lucky to be alive,much less running a Co.... 
Tube Pre, budget $1K?
Second a Counterpoint,good luck,Bob 
Kudos to Audience Customer Service
Bravo to your karma.....