
Responses from usblues

Aerial Acoustics 8B VS Von Schweikert VR-4 jr
no and no 
High End jargon; your take
I bow to Tvads take 100%.Love the cashmere can almost feel it.......stop that....cheers,Bob 
High End jargon; your take
Tight=not boomy or slow or flabby,mostly boomy.HIfi=thin,not rich,deep, detailed.The warm bass I have no idea really.I don't see that one alot I guess.YMMV of course,Bob 
McIntosg 7270 VS Meridian 557 vs D-125 AR
Having a 7270 now for 4 months driving Merlins and it sounds great!FYI,good luck,Bob 
CDP Recommendations under $700
check out tweakaudio[ric schultz],good luck,Bob 
Speaker Packing?
you are wise to hesitate shipping speakers,don't start now,YMMV,Bob 
i have a mcintosh mc275 what speakers to choose?
Merlin VSM,no question,unless your room is larger than 35x45..... 
Into 2009; What rules?? Tubes or Solid State
SS looks good 
Power Conditioning: Exactpower vs. Rotel vs. other
Get the EP and don't look back,YMMV,Bob 
what do you know"
HAHAHAHA,good one C....... 
Am I hearing the effects of "clean sound"?
The nighttime is the righttime,YMMV,Bob 
Problem with USB audio
As usual,good advice Steve.Who would think there would be differences in USB ports???Nothing is easy[Jethro Tull].... 
Amps that sounds similar or close to Lamm hybrids
Possibly the Counterpoint SA-4 from the 80's.Probably with recent upgrades.Just a guess,never heard the Lamm's....thanks,Bob 
Room Acoustics question:
My math is weak.Is 1.61803 half of Pi?Your name Z also is mysterious.A coincidence?Destiny?Stay tuned Egyption lovers.....metaphysically speaking of course...Happy Halloween,Bob 
Assistance for PC challenged
I was you Scotty about a year ago.Knowing barely enough to be dangerous with PC's.It was worth my time and energy to buy a Mac mini and stay away from Windows.Came to 800$ or so...if you don't have it,hopefully you have good friends.If you have it...