
Responses from usblues

What is the best tube preamp currently available?
Price range?Thanks,Bob 
Primare CD31 with 1704 chip
Last post didnt post here....I am mostly done with the player except for comparisions.I dont know chips.I am using a stock Bel Canto DAC3 and a Mini mac and am very happy,good luck to you also,Bob 
Why Mac Mini Over Slim Systems Products?
A BIG thumbs up here also for the Mini and a Bel Canto DAC.So convienent,cheers,Bob 
Primare CD31 with 1704 chip
Yes,I have a player that just sits there looking back at me though I will run some comparisions this winter when I'm bored.I dont know chips.I know I bought a Bel Canto DAC3 and a Mini mac and am in audio heaven once again.Best of luck,Bob 
Primare CD31 with 1704 chip
When is it easier to play a Cd?I found the opposite to be true lately since the changeover,cheers,Bob 
Construction Question
Check out Rives Audio 
Spilled marinara sauce on wood speaker....
All depends on the finish.Oil base,poly,varnish,etc.Pretty hard to generalize...start there,good luck,Bob 
In Whose Ears Do You Trust Most?
Bravo FF!Encore! 
Counterpoint SA3000 Any Good ?
Desk,does the black box on the umbilical have a tube in it?Thanks,Bob 
In Whose Ears Do You Trust Most?
A Merlin owner who doesn't trust his ears?Whats the planet Earth coming to?Chocolate grasshoppers? 9 year old Olympic athletes?20M$ space rides?Whatever happened to the good old bad days fill in the blank...I need to know ... 
Digital amps overhyped ?
Before we burn you again here and we will,what speakers,room size etc are you having???? 
Counterpoint SA3000 Any Good ?
Bought one new in 89,havent seen much better,but I havent seen much,good luck,Bob 
Could this be a Major Breakthough ?
Don't thank me Sherod.Thank him.Have you seen the stuff he comes up with?Its been months I think and I still remember his musings.Like a frizzy-haired mad scientist in a lab coat is what I see when I wonder who he is.Like Einstein on mushrooms in ... 
audiophile music servers the latest products, info
Precisely put Nakolawala,one cannot skimp on the DAC and a Mac Mini is a breeze on most levels though there are many paths to salvation...Wavelength,Empirical...... 
Could this be a Major Breakthough ?
We have heard from you in the past on various subjects.Very amusing for the most part.Sort of like a demented uncle/grandfather occasionally coming out of his coma.Keep up the good work,we're all in this together,Bob