
Responses from usblues

Mcintosh autoformers.....
Thanks alot you guys,Bob 
whats the best addition u have bought for system
Best thing to come down the pike in a long time has been a Mcintosh MR77.Now if this dang town had any jazz stations..... 
Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help
Manhattan was getting crowded in 1690-1700 if you believe the book on Captain Kidd.ISBN 0-7868-6533-4.I think thats is Richard Zacks....good luck,Bob 
Need recommendation for new CD/SACD player
Contact Ric Schulz at EVS and ask him whats happening and mention your budget etc.He's easy to talk to and may answer all your questions.We aren't going to,YMMV,good luck,Bob 
Music playback elevated to a form of "theater?"
Theater usually encompasses visual and the auditory but the crossover can be debated in terms of overall spine tingling.I would be feeling just the opposite after a killer song/side to an LP and dreading the sadness of reracking which is why I som... 
Pioneer sx-636 vintage reciever?
OH,excuse me.I thought you bought it already....40$ is OK if its an 8 or better.The phono is OK as I recall,my brother had one for 15 years and we listened daily...are the lights working?I hear Pioneers are difficult to work on as opposed to some ... 
Life As I knew in My Audio World Has Ended, Help
Any suggestions we might have I'm sure you thought of and rejected.Divorce,quitting a job, turning 24 into 25 are all fun for a short period until reality grabs you and returns you to the asylum we call modern living full of time-saving conviences... 
USB Cable Ridge Street Audio/Synergistic Research
Ehider,The good news you mention I would say is actually bad news.Good news in the sense you determined the best sounding cable,bad news in the sense 450$/meter or whatever the price is too much for many people in the neighborhood I live in.Thanks... 
Thats cool.Its just so system dependent its hard to say.Good luck,bob 
Pioneer sx-636 vintage reciever?
Thats the going rate.How good the phono is for you to tell us.Cmon...... 
Drubin,its not you.Its what you get when talk is cheap{Keith Richards}.I'd put the 300 towards a therapist and skip the USB in this CASE...cheers,Bob 
Hey Audiogon how about a DIY/Horn section?
Get the USB,buying the nonUSB version is like rewiring a house and not running extra wires for the future.....whats 300$ in this goofy business?YMMV,Bob 
Carver M500 Meter Issue
Dont let yourself back in there,find a tech....course if your waaay more intelligent you know that.If your just more intelligent then by all means try it again.Was this a hypothetical question?Did I answer it?Is there an answer you would like to h... 
USB Cable Ridge Street Audio/Synergistic Research
Too bad you couldnt source the vendor for that one.....or can you?