

Responses from unreceivedogma

Older subwoofers better than newer subwoofers!
I have the Velodyne ULD 15 MK II.    Placement is critical. I used the crawl test. Oddly, it sounded fantastic AT the seating position. I moved it 3 feet behind.  I am currently fine with it.   
Stereo or monoblocks
Has anyone mentioned the little bit about monoblocs allowing you to get the amps (much) closer to the speakers? For some, a not unimportant consideration.   
LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus
For me, it’s a tie: - Bruce Springsteen at Max’s Kansas City. It was a very small club on Park Avenue South near the NE corner of Union Square that became famous as Andy Warhol’s hangout (his studio was on the NW corner of Union Square). I think ... 
I more or less stopped here some 20 years ago. Scroll to the bottom for the system description: Minor tweaks here ‘n there, maintenance. That’s it.  
One of the great things about Vinyl
@emrofsemanon The link to a description of my system is posted above. I just had my hearing checked. It’s normal for my age. You do need to keep the records clean. I don’t know what to say. For the overwhelming majority of my records, noise i... 
Beatles vs. Stones
@bigtwin   I see your point. Two things: - the first Stones LP was mostly covers of American blues compositions. It wasn’t until the 2nd to 3rd LP that originals by Jagger/Richards, at the urging of Oldham, I believe, started to predominate. B... 
Beatles vs. Stones
@bigtwin  The Beatles 1st US release was January 10, 1964.  So, in the US, it was 3 months.   
Beatles vs. Stones
@larsman The film also includes Black Panthers, Maoists, Nazi sympathizers, a bunch of white women getting shot, and “Eve Democracy”. it’s about the 60s, not (just) about the Stones. There’s an interesting scene in the rehearsal when they chan... 
Beatles vs. Stones
@larsman 1 + 1 was the original title of the avant-garde film by Jean-Luc Godard otherwise known as Sympathy for the Devil.    
Beatles vs. Stones
@bigtwin    March 22, 1963 - Please Please Me, 1st Beatles LP April 16, 1964 - England’s Newest Hitmakers, 1st Stones LP   13 months, not 3 years.   
Beatles vs. Stones
Jefferson Airplane   
"Audiophile" Power Cables: The Greatest Audio Conspiracy Theory of All Time?
Later that same millennium… sorry but I couldn’t get through it.   
One of the great things about Vinyl
One of the great things about Vinyl
@emrofsemanon  Maybe you need better quality turntable/arm/cartridge? After the lead in groove, I have little to no surface noise.   
Why do we stop listening to new music as we get older?
Of the 6,000+ LPs that I own, about 800 are from that 12-22 years old age window (for me, more like 9-25 years, 1963-1979, more or less), which included rock n roll, rock, folk, psychedelic, and some classical, jazz, gospel and blues. In my 20s, ...